
Title Project Weblinks Demonstration Weblink
DOVE: Durability of Vaccine Efficacy
dtrSurv: Dynamic Treatment Regimes for Survival Analysis (R) Project 2.4
CONCUR: Kernel-based association test for copy number variation (CNV) aggregate analysis (R) Project 2.3
ICODS: Data Analysis for ODS and Case-Cohort Designs with Interval-Censoring (R) Project 2.1
CRM2DIM: Dual-Agent Bayesian Continual Reassessment Method (SAS) Project 2.1
BTAD : Biomarker Threshold Adaptive Designs for Survival Endpoints (C++) Project 2.1
AEBSD: Sample size of AEBSD and Comparison with BSD (R) Project 2.1
BayesCTDesign: Two Arm Bayesian Clinical Trial Design with and Without Historical Control Data (R) Project 2.2
Biomarker threshold adaptive designs for survival endpoints. Project 2.1
apeglm: Approximate posterior estimation for GLM coefficients (R) Project 2.3
MultiTDS: Analysis of Sequence Data Under Multivariate Trait-Dependent Sampling (C++) Project 2.3
CLOSE: A toolkit for CNA/LOH analysis with Sequencing data Project 2.3
ASGENSENG: Detect Allele Specific CNV from Both WGS and WES Data (Python/Shell) Project 2.3
MARATHON: Integrates Multiple Related Statistical Software for Copy Number Profiling and Downstream Analyses (R) Project 2.3
TwoPhaseReg: Regression Analysis Under General Two-Phase Sampling (R) Project 2.3
PreMeta: Facilitates the Exchange of Information Between Software Packages for Meta-Analysis (C++) Project 2.3
SynthEx: Tools for CNA detection and tumor heterogeneity profiling (R) Project 2.3
DTRlearn: Learning Algorithms for Dynamic Treatment Regimes (R) Project 2.4
sigclust2: Statistical Significance for Hierarchical Clustering (R) Project 2.3
ADNI_RMRSS: Regression Models on Riemannian Symmetric Spaces (MATLAB) Project 2.2
SUGEN: Genetic Association Analysis Under Complex Survey Sampling (C++) Project 2.3
SAME: Somatic mutation Association test with Measurement Errors (R) Project 2.3
Galax (C++) Project 2.2
xmeta: A Toolbox for Multivariate Meta-Analysis (R) Project 2.2
CODEX2: Full-spectrum copy number variation detection by high-throughput DNA sequencing. (R) Project 2.3
POINT: Protein Structure Guided Local Test (R) Project 2.3
Allele-specific copy-number discovery from whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing. Project 2.3
Integrative pipeline for profiling DNA copy number and inferring tumor phylogeny. Project 2.3
Augmented outcome-weighted learning for estimating optimal dynamic treatment regimens. Project 2.4
Efficient Semiparametric Inference Under Two-Phase Sampling, With Applications to Genetic Association Studies. Project 1.4, Project 2.3
intcensROC: Fast Spline Function Based Constrained Maximum Likelihood Estimator for AUC Estimation of Interval Censored Survival Data (R) Project 1.4, Project 2.3
groupedSurv: Efficient Estimation of Grouped Survival Models Using the Exact Likelihood Function (R) Project 1.4, Project 2.3
Semiparametric estimation of the accelerated failure time model with partly interval-censored data. Project 1.4, Project 2.3
ICGOR: Fit Generalized Odds Rate Hazards Model with Interval Censored Data (R) Project 1.1, Project 2.1
bcSeq: Fast Sequence Alignment for High-Throughput shRNA and CRISPR Screens (R) Project 2.3
GORCure: Fit Generalized Odds Rate Mixture Cure Model with Interval Censored Data (R) Project 2.1
Simon’s like design with relaxed futility stopping (Web) Project 2.1
fastJT: Efficient Jonckheere-Terpstra Test Statistics for Robust Machine Learning and Genome-Wide Association Studies (R)
CTD Systems (Java) Project 2.1
CTD Systems (Java) Project 2.1
PreMeta: a tool to facilitate meta-analysis of rare-variant associations. Project 1.4, Project 2.3
SynthEx: a synthetic-normal-based DNA sequencing tool for copy number alteration detection and tumor heterogeneity profiling. Project 1.4, Project 2.3
IntCens: Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation for a broad class of semiparametric regression models with general interval-censored data (R). Project 2.3
AFNC: Adaptive false negative control (R) Project 2.3
JAGUAR: Joint analysis of genotype and group-specific variability using a novel score test approach to map expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) (R) Project 2.3
lclGWAS: Efficient estimation of discrete-time multivariate frailty model using exact likelihood function for grouped survival data (R).
NormalMean_BSS: Calculates the Bayesian sample size based on ACC, ALC, and WOC for normal model (SAS). Project 2.2
BPower: Computes two versions of Bayesian power for normal models (SAS). Project 2.2
jtGWAS: Efficient Jonckheere-Terpstra test statistics (R). Vignette
subdetect: Detect subgroup with an enhanced treatment effect (R). Project 1.5, Project 2.4
Analysis of Sequence Data Under Multivariate Trait-Dependent Sampling. Project 2.3
Global copy number profiling of cancer genomes. Project 2.3
GGMridge: Gaussian graphical models using ridge penalty followed by thresholding and reestimation (R). Project 1.3
GHREG: Semiparametric general hazards rate model for right-censored data (C). Project 1.4, Project 2.1, Project 2.2
SAS Macro BSMED: Bayesian survival meta-experimental design using historical data. Project 2.1
RAMSVM: Reinforced angle-based multicategory support vector machines (R). Project 1.5, Project 2.3, Project 2.4
RLT: Reinforcement learning trees (R). Project 1.5, Project 2.4
SEQGWAS: Integrative analysis of sequencing and GWAS data (C/C++). Project 2.3
skda: Sparse (multicategory) kernel discriminant analysis (R). Project 1.5
TRECASE_MLE: eQTL mapping based on total read count and allele-specific expression in RNA-Seq data with maximum-likelihood estimation (C/C++). Project 1.4
TensorGxG: A sparse and low-rank screening based on the combination of a low-rank interaction model and the Lasso screening (Matlab). Project 1.4
BSMED: Bayesian survival meta-experimental design using historical data (SAS). Project 2.2
BSMED: Bayesian survival meta-experimental design using historical data (SAS). Project 2.2
Detection of gene-gene interactions using multistage sparse and low-rank regression. Project 2.3
modelObj: A model object framework for regression analysis (R).
SurvLong: Analysis of proportional hazards model with sparse longitudinal covariates (R). Project 2.1, Project 2.3
AsynchLong: Regression analysis of sparse asynchronous longitudinal data (R). Project 2.1, Project 2.2
pcnetmeta: Methods for patient-centered network meta-analysis (R). Project 1.3
Joint Models of Longitudinal Data and Recurrent Events with Informative Terminal Event. Project 1.2, Project 2.1
JMDesign: Statistical design for joint models of longitudinal and survival data (R). Project 2.1
highTtest: Simultaneous critical values for t-tests in very high dimensions (R). Project 2.3
SNP_NLMM: Implement a flexible random effects density for generalized linear and nonlinear mixed models (SAS). Project 1.2
SNPpy: Database management for SNP data from genome wide association studies. Project 2.3
SNPpy: Database management for SNP data from genome wide association studies. Project 2.3
Power calculations and confidence intervals in phase II design with over enrollment (SAS/R). Project 1.3
Power calculations and confidence intervals in phase II design with over enrollment (SAS/R). Project 1.3
Macros for missing data (SAS). Project 1.3 Introduction Document
Macros for missing data (SAS). Project 1.3 Introduction Document
Macros for missing data (SAS). Project 1.3 Introduction Document
Macros for missing data (SAS). Project 1.3 Introduction Document
Macros for missing data (SAS). Project 1.3 Introduction Document
Macros for missing data (SAS). Project 1.3 Introduction Document
Macros for missing data (SAS). Project 1.3 Introduction Document
Perturbation and scaled Cook's distance (C++/Matlab). Project 1.3
Perturbation and scaled Cook's distance (C++/Matlab). Project 1.3
Bayesian Lasso for semiparametric structural equation models toolkit (C++). Project 1.3
Fixed and random effects selection in mixed effects toolkit (R). Project 1.3
CR: Power calculation for weighted log-rank tests in cure rate models (R). Project 1.3
Fixed: Bayesian meta-experimental design (SAS). Project 1.3
RSNPset: Genome-wide SNP set analysis on the basis of efficient scores (R). Project 2.3 Vignette (tutorial)
Sample size determination in shared frailty models for multivariate time-to-event data. Project 2.1
mmeta: Multivariate meta-analysis (R). Project 2.1
Fixed and random effects selection in mixed effects models. Project 1.3
snplist: Tools to create gene sets (R). Project 2.3 Tutorial
geneSelRSF: Gene selection using iterative recursive feature elimination (R). Project 2.1, Project 2.3
tagIMPUTE: Tag-based imputation. Project 2.3
MOST: Multivariate outcome score test (C). Project 2.3
MASS: Meta-analysis of sequencing studies (C). Project 2.3
SCORE-SeqTDS: Score tests for sequencing studies with trait-dependent sampling (C). Project 2.3
SCORE-Seq: Score tests for detecting disease associations with rare variants in sequencing studies (C). Project 2.3
CNVstat: Statistical association analysis of copy number variants (C). Project 2.3
iqLearn: Interactive Q-learning (R). Project 2.4
SNPMStat v4.0 : Statistical analysis of SNP-disease association with missing genotype data. Project 2.3
survSNP: Power and sample size calculations for SNP association studies with censored time-to-event outcomes (R). Project 2.1
survSNP: Power and sample size calculations for SNP association studies with censored time-to-event outcomes (R). Project 2.1
Power and sample size calculation for microarray studies (Fortran). Project 2.1
permGPU: Using graphics processing units in RNA microarray association studies (CUDA). Project 2.3
permGPU: Using graphics processing units in RNA microarray association studies (CUDA). Project 2.3
Sample size calculation for comparing survival curves under general hypotheses testing (Fortran). Project 2.1
odsroc: Nonparametric estimation of AUC and partial AUC under test-result-dependent sampling (R). Project 2.1
odsroc: Nonparametric estimation of AUC and partial AUC under test-result-dependent sampling (R). Project 2.1
HSSVD: Biclustering with heterogeneous variance (R). Project 2.3
GWASelect: A variable selection method for genomewide association studies (C++). Project 2.3
GWASelect: A variable selection method for genomewide association studies (C++). Project 2.3
GWASelect: A variable selection method for genomewide association studies (C++). Project 2.3
DiNAMIC: Discovering copy number aberrations manifested in cancer (R). Project 2.3
DiNAMIC: Discovering copy number aberrations manifested in cancer (R). Project 2.3
DiNAMIC: Discovering copy number aberrations manifested in cancer (R). Project 2.3
logi: Logistic regression using forward selection (R).
logi: Logistic regression using forward selection (R).
Haplo.CasGLM: Haplotype specific simultaneous factor selection and collapsing levels in GLM (R). Project 1.2, Project 2.3, Project 2.4
Haplo.CasGLM: Haplotype specific simultaneous factor selection and collapsing levels in GLM (R). Project 1.2, Project 2.3, Project 2.4
doublyRobust: Doubly robust estimation for monotonely coarsened data in longitudinal studies with dropout and/or incomplete data (R). Project 1.2
CasANOVA: Simultaneous factor selection and collapsing levels in ANOVA (R). Project 1.2, Project 2.3, Project 2.4
CasANOVA: Simultaneous factor selection and collapsing levels in ANOVA (R). Project 1.2, Project 2.3, Project 2.4
Bayesian meta-experimental design: evaluating cardiovascular risk in new antidiabetic therapies to treat type 2 diabetes. Project 1.3
Variable selection for optimal treatment decision. Project 2.1, Project 2.3, Project 2.4