Articles By Keyword

. "Research methods for clinical trials in personalized medicine: A systematic review.." Lost In Translation: Barriers to Incentives for Translational Research in Medical Sciences. 2014;():.
. "Targeted cancer clinical trials.." Designs for Clinical Trials. 2012;():157-177.
. "Adaptive Q-learning.." From Probability to Statistics and Back: High-Dimensional Models and Processes -- A Festschrift in Honor of Jon A. Wellner. 2013;9():150-162.
. "Proportional rate models for recurrent time event data under dependent censoring: A comparative study.." Recent Advances in Biostatistics. 2011;4():123-141.
. "Estimation of dynamic treatment regimes for complex outcomes: Balancing benefits and risks.." Adaptive Treatment Strategies in Practice: Planning Trials and Analyzing Data for Personalized Medicine. 2016;():249-262.
. "Dynamic treatment regimes.." Cancer Clinical Trials: Current and Controversial Issues in Design and Analysis. 2016;():.
. "Value search estimators for optimal dynamic treatment regimes.." Adaptive Treatment Strategies in Practice: Planning Trials and Analyzing Data for Personalized Medicine. 2016;():135-155.
. "Endpoints for cancer clinical trials.." Cancer Clinical Trials: Current and Controversial Issues in Design and Analysis. 2016;():.
. "Bayesian meta-experimental design for evaluating cardiovascular risk.." Quantitative Evaluation if Safety in Drug Development: Design, Analysis and Reporting. 2014;():13-38.
. "SAS Macro BSMED: Bayesian survival meta-experimental design using historical data.." Pharmaceutical Statistics Using SAS. 2016;():.
. "Bayesian frailty models for multi-state survival data.." Statistical Applications from Clinical Trials and Personalized Medicine to Finance and Business Analytics. 2016;():.
. "Dynamic spatial pattern recognition in count data.." New Developments in Statistical Modeling, Inference and Application. 2016;():185-202.
. "." Methods in Comparative Effectiveness Research. 2017;():.
. "Weighted area under the receiver operating characteristic curve and its application to gene selection.." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics). 2010;():.
. "Design of phase III clinical trials.." Oncology Clinical Trials: Successful Design, Conduct, and Analysis. 2010;():.
. "Facilitating the calculation of the efficient score using symbolic computing.." Am Stat. 2018;72(2):199-205. Pub Med
. "P-value precision and reproducibility.." Am Stat. 2011;65(4):213-221. Pub Med
. "Change point analysis of histone modifications reveals epigenetic blocks linking to physical domains.." Ann Appl Stat. 2016;10(1):506-526. Pub Med
. "Gene-level pharmacogenetic analysis on survival outcomes using gene-trait similarity regression.." Ann Appl Stat. 2014;8(2):1232-1255. Pub Med
. "BFLCRM: A Bayesian functional linear Cox regression model for predicting time to conversion to Alzheimer's disease.." Ann Appl Stat. 2015;9(4):2153-2178. Pub Med
. "Sequential advantage selection for optimal treatment regime.." Ann Appl Stat. 2016;10(1):32-53. Pub Med
. "Doubly robust estimation of optimal treatment regimes for survival data-with application to an HIV/AIDS study.." Ann Appl Stat. 2017;11(3):1763-1786. Pub Med
. "Varying coefficient model for modeling diffusion tensors along white matter tracts.." Ann Appl Stat. 2013;7(1):102-125. Pub Med
. "Sparse and efficient estimation for partial spline models with increasing dimension.." Ann Inst Stat Math. 2015;67(1):93-127. Pub Med
. "Assessing robustness of classification using angular breakdown point. ." Ann Stat. 2018;46(6B):3362-3389. Pub Med
. "Q-learning with censored data.." Ann Stat. 2012;40(1):529-560. Pub Med
. "Feature elimination in kernel machines in moderately high dimensions.." Ann Stat. 2019;47(1):497-526. Pub Med
. "Multivariate varying coefficient model for functional responses.." Ann Stat. 2012;40(5):2634-2666. Pub Med
. "High-dimensional A-learning for optimal dynamic treatment regimes." Ann Stat. 2018;46(3):925-957. Pub Med
. "On testing conditional qualitative treatment effects.." Ann Stat. 2019;47(4):2348-2377. Pub Med
. "Asymptotics for change-point models under varying degrees of mis-specification.." Ann Stat. 2016;44(1):153-182. Pub Med
. "Perturbation and scaled Cook's distance.." Ann Stat. 2012;40(2):785-811. Pub Med
. "Linear hypothesis testing for high dimensional generalized linear models.." Ann Stat. 2019;47(5):2671-2703. Pub Med
. "Local independence feature screening for nonparametric and semiparametric models by marginal empirical likelihood.." Ann Stat. 2016;44(2):515-539. Pub Med
. "Endpoint surrogacy in oncological randomized controlled trials with immunotherapies: a systematic review of trial-level and arm-level meta-analyses.." Ann Transl Med. 2019;7(11):244. Pub Med
. "Precision medicine.." Annu Rev Stat Appl. 2019;6():263-286. Pub Med
. "Maximum likelihood estimation for stochastic volatility in mean models with heavy-tailed distributions.." Appl Stoch Models Bus Ind. 2017;33(4):394-408. Pub Med
. "A new Monte Carlo method for estimating marginal likelihoods.." Bayesian Anal. 2018;13(2):311-333. Pub Med
. "Posterior contraction rates of the phylogenetic Indian buffet processes.." Bayesian Anal. 2016;11(2):477-497. Pub Med
. "Simultaneous critical values for t-tests in very high dimensions.." Bernoulli (Andover). 2011;17(1):347-394. Pub Med
. "Gene set analysis methods: A systematic comparison.." BioData Min. 2018;11():8. Pub Med
. "Maximum likelihood estimation for semiparametric regression models with multivariate interval-censored data.." Biometrika. 2017;104(3):505-525. Pub Med
. "Maximum likelihood estimation for semiparametric transformation models with interval-censored data.." Biometrika. 2016;103(2):253-271. Pub Med
. "Estimating treatment effects with treatment switching via semicompeting risks models: an application to a colorectal cancer study.." Biometrika. 2012;99(1):167-184. Pub Med
. "Efficient estimation of nonparametric genetic risk function with censored data.." Biometrika. 2015;102(3):515-532. Pub Med
. "Robust estimation of optimal dynamic treatment regimes for sequential treatment decisions.." Biometrika. 2013;100(3):. Pub Med
. "More efficient estimators for case-cohort studies.." Biometrika. 2013;100(3):695-708. Pub Med
. "Nonparametric estimation of the mean function for recurrent event data with missing event category.." Biometrika. 2013;100(3):. Pub Med
. "Estimating time-varying effects for overdispersed recurrent events data with treatment switching.." Biometrika. 2013;100(2):339-354. Pub Med
. "Diagnostic measures for the Cox regression model with missing covariates.." Biometrika. 2015;102(4):907-923. Pub Med