Articles By Keyword

. "Survival benefit of lung transplantation in the modern era of lung allocation.." Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2017;14(2):172-181. Pub Med
. "Ten-year experience with extended criteria cardiac transplantation.." Circ Heart Fail. 2013;6(6):1230-8. Pub Med
. "Evaluating haplotype effects in case-control studies via penalized-likelihood approaches: Prospective or retrospective analysis?." Genet Epidemiol. 2010;34(8):892-911. Pub Med
. "Recent progresses in outcome-dependent sampling with failure time data.." Lifetime Data Anal. 2017;23(1):57-82. Pub Med
. "A unification of models for meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy studies without a gold standard.." Biometrics. 2015;71(2):538-47. Pub Med
. "Semiparametric regression analysis of interval-censored competing risks data.." Biometrics. 2017;73(3):857-865. Pub Med
. "Marginal additive hazards model for case-cohort studies with multiple disease outcomes: an application to the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.." Biostatistics. 2013;14(1):28-41. Pub Med
. "Onset of persistent pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in children with cystic fibrosis with interval censored data.." BMC Med Res Methodol. 2016;16(1):122. Pub Med
. "Analysis of untyped SNPs: Maximum likelihood and imputation methods.." Genet Epidemiol. 2010;34(8):803-15. Pub Med
. "Pharmacogenomics as a risk mitigation strategy for chemotherapeutic cardiotoxicity.." Pharmacogenomics. 2013;14(2):205-13. Pub Med
. "Bivariate random effects models for meta-analysis of comparative studies with binary outcomes: methods for the absolute risk difference and relative risk.." Stat Methods Med Res. 2012;21(6):621-33. Pub Med
. "Additive mixed effect model for clustered failure time data.." Biometrics. 2011;67(4):1340-51. Pub Med
. "Efficient semiparametric estimation of short-term and long-term hazard ratios with right-censored data.." Biometrics. 2013;69(4):840-9. Pub Med
. "Bayesian path specific frailty models for multi-state survival data with applications.." Biometrics. 2015;71(3):760-71. Pub Med
. "Genomewide meta-analysis validates a role for S1PR1 in microtubule targeting agent-induced sensory peripheral neuropathy.." Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2020;108(3):625-634. Pub Med
. "A counterfactual p-value approach for benefit-risk assessment in clinical trials.." J Biopharm Stat. 2015;25(3):508-24. Pub Med
. "A regularized variable selection procedure in additive hazards model with stratified case-cohort design.." Lifetime Data Anal. 2018;24(3):443-463. Pub Med
. "Bayesian sequential meta-analysis design in evaluating cardiovascular risk in a new antidiabetic drug development program.." Stat Med. 2014;33(9):1600-18. Pub Med
. "Sample size/power calculation for stratified case-cohort design.." Stat Med. 2014;33(23):3973-85. Pub Med
. "Parameter estimation in Cox models with missing failure indicators and the OPPERA study.." Stat Med. 2015;34(30):3984-96. Pub Med
. "Component-wise gradient boosting and false discovery control in survival analysis with high-dimensional covariates.." Bioinformatics. 2016;32(1):50-7. Pub Med
. "Accelerated intensity frailty model for recurrent events data.." Biometrics. 2014;70(3):579-87. Pub Med
. "Bayesian meta-experimental design: evaluating cardiovascular risk in new antidiabetic therapies to treat type 2 diabetes.." Biometrics. 2012;68(2):578-86. Pub Med
. "Bayesian design of superiority clinical trials for recurrent events data with applications to bleeding and transfusion events in myelodyplastic syndrome.." Biometrics. 2014;70(4):1003-13. Pub Med
. "Additive mixed effect model for clustered failure time data.." Biometrics. 2011;67(4):1340-51. Pub Med
. "Proportional hazards model with a change point for clustered event data.." Biometrics. 2017;73(3):835-845. Pub Med
. "Tests of trend between disease outcomes and ordinal covariates discretized from underlying continuous variables: simulation studies and applications to NHANES 2007-2008.." BMC Med Res Methodol. 2019;19(1):2. Pub Med
. "Genomewide meta-analysis validates a role for S1PR1 in microtubule targeting agent-induced sensory peripheral neuropathy.." Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2020;108(3):625-634. Pub Med
. "Duration of eptifibatide infusion after percutaneous coronary intervention and outcomes among high-risk patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome: insights from EARLY ACS.." Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care. 2013;2(3):246-55. Pub Med
. "A fast multiple-kernel method with applications to detect gene-environment interaction.." Genet Epidemiol. 2015;39(6):456-68. Pub Med
. "Celecoxib with neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer might worsen outcomes differentially by COX-2 expression and ER status: Exploratory analysis of the REMAGUS02 trial.." J Clin Oncol. 2019;37(8):624-635. Pub Med
. "Identifying individual risk rare variants using protein structure guided local tests (POINT).." PLoS Comput Biol. 2019;15(2):e1006722. Pub Med
. "Estimating personalized diagnostic rules depending on individualized characteristics.." Stat Med. 2017;36(7):1099-1117. Pub Med
. "Secondary outcome analysis for data from an outcome-dependent sampling design.." Stat Med. 2018;37(15):2321-2337. Pub Med
. "Improving the efficiency of estimation in the additive hazards model for stratified case-cohort design with multiple diseases.." Stat Med. 2016;35(2):282-93. Pub Med
. "Predictive accuracy of markers or risk scores for interval censored survival data.." Stat Med. 2020;39(18):2437-2446. Pub Med
. "Parameter estimation in Cox models with missing failure indicators and the OPPERA study.." Stat Med. 2015;34(30):3984-96. Pub Med
. "Bayesian modeling and inference for clinical trials with partial retrieved data following dropout.." Stat Med. 2013;32(24):4180-95. Pub Med
. "permGPU: Using graphics processing units in RNA microarray association studies.." BMC Bioinformatics. 2010;11():329. Pub Med
. "Swimming downstream: Statistical analysis of differential transcript usage following Salmon quantification.." F1000Res. 2018;7():952. Pub Med
. "Single-nucleotide resolution analysis of nucleotide excision repair of ribosomal DNA in humans and mice.." J Biol Chem. 2019;294(1):210-217. Pub Med
. "Single-nucleotide resolution analysis of nucleotide excision repair of ribosomal DNA in humans and mice.." J Biol Chem. 2019;294(1):210-217. Pub Med
. "A junction coverage compatibility score to quantify the reliability of transcript abundance estimates and annotation catalogs.." Life Sci Alliance. 2019;2(1):. Pub Med
. "The long noncoding RNA promotes sarcoma metastasis by regulating RNA splicing pathways.." Mol Cancer Res. 2020;18(10):1534-1544. Pub Med
. "The long noncoding RNA promotes sarcoma metastasis by regulating RNA splicing pathways.." Mol Cancer Res. 2020;18(10):1534-1544. Pub Med
. "Genetic variation determines VEGF-A plasma levels in cancer patients.." Sci Rep. 2018;8(1):16332. Pub Med
. "bcSeq: an R package for fast sequence mapping in high-throughput shRNA and CRISPR screens.." Bioinformatics. 2018;34(20):3581-3583. Pub Med
. "SAFE-clustering: Single-cell Aggregated (From Ensemble) clustering for single-cell RNA-seq data.." Bioinformatics. 2019;35(8):1269-1277. Pub Med
. "A junction coverage compatibility score to quantify the reliability of transcript abundance estimates and annotation catalogs.." Life Sci Alliance. 2019;2(1):. Pub Med
. "Tximeta: Reference sequence checksums for provenance identification in RNA-seq.." PLoS Comput Biol. 2020;16(2):e1007664. Pub Med