Articles By Keyword

. "Power and sample size calculations for SNP association studies with censored time-to-event outcomes.." Genet Epidemiol. 2012;36(6):538-48. Pub Med
. "Sample size considerations of prediction-validation methods in high-dimensional data for survival outcomes.." Genet Epidemiol. 2013;37(3):276-82. Pub Med
. "Biomarker threshold adaptive designs for survival endpoints.." J Biopharm Stat. 2018;28(6):1038-1054. Pub Med
. "Practical designs for Phase I combination studies in oncology.." J Biopharm Stat. 2016;26(1):150-66. Pub Med
. "On enrichment strategies for biomarker stratified clinical trials.." J Biopharm Stat. 2018;28(2):292-308. Pub Med
. "Phase II cancer clinical trials for biomarker-guided treatments.." J Biopharm Stat. 2018;28(2):256-263. Pub Med
. "Phase II cancer clinical trials with heterogeneous patient populations.." J Biopharm Stat. 2012;22(2):312-28. Pub Med
. "Enrollment and stopping rules for managing toxicity requiring long follow-up in phase II oncology trials.." J Biopharm Stat. 2015;25(6):1206-14. Pub Med
. "Statistical issues and advances in cancer precision medicine research.." J Biopharm Stat. 2018;28(2):215-216. Pub Med
. "Rapid enrollment design for finding the optimal dose in immunotherapy trials with ordered groups.." J Biopharm Stat. 2019;29(4):625-634. Pub Med
. "Optimal two-stage log-rank test for randomized phase II clinical trials.." J Biopharm Stat. 2017;27(4):639-658. Pub Med
. "Selection of the initial design for the two-stage continual reassessment method.." J Biopharm Stat. 2017;27(3):495-506. Pub Med
. "Flexible stopping boundaries when changing primary endpoints after unblinded interim analyses.." J Biopharm Stat. 2014;24(4):817-33. Pub Med
. "Continual reassessment method with regularization in phase I clinical trials.." J Biopharm Stat. 2020;30(6):964-978. Pub Med
. "Seamless phase IIa/IIb and enhanced dose-finding adaptive design.." J Biopharm Stat. 2016;26(5):912-23. Pub Med
. "Estimating the subgroup and testing for treatment effect in a post-hoc analysis of a clinical trial with a biomarker.." J Biopharm Stat. 2019;29(4):685-695. Pub Med
. "Comparing oncology clinical programs by use of innovative designs and expected net present value optimization: Which adaptive approach leads to the best result?." J Biopharm Stat. 2017;27(3):457-476. Pub Med
. "Clinical trials data collection: When less is more.." J Clin Oncol. 2010;28(34):5019-21. Pub Med
. "Reporting and guidelines in propensity score analysis: A systematic review of cancer and cancer surgical studies.." J Natl Cancer Inst. 2017;109(8):. Pub Med
. "Statistical considerations for subgroup analyses.." J Thorac Oncol. 2021;16(3):375-380. Pub Med
. "A junction coverage compatibility score to quantify the reliability of transcript abundance estimates and annotation catalogs.." Life Sci Alliance. 2019;2(1):. Pub Med
. "Recent progresses in outcome-dependent sampling with failure time data.." Lifetime Data Anal. 2017;23(1):57-82. Pub Med
. "A novel test to compare two treatments based on endpoints involving both nonfatal and fatal events.." Pharm Stat. 2015;14(4):273-83. Pub Med
. "Use of historical control data for assessing treatment effects in clinical trials.." Pharm Stat. 2014;13(1):41-54. Pub Med
. "A practical Bayesian adaptive design incorporating data from historical controls.." Stat Med. 2018;37(27):4054-4070. Pub Med
. "Sample size estimation in educational intervention trials with subgroup heterogeneity in only one arm.." Stat Med. 2013;32(12):2140-54. Pub Med
. "Bayesian sequential meta-analysis design in evaluating cardiovascular risk in a new antidiabetic drug development program.." Stat Med. 2014;33(9):1600-18. Pub Med
. "Secondary analysis of case-control association studies: Insights on weighting-based inference motivate a new specification test.." Stat Med. 2020;39(22):2869-2882. Pub Med
. "The rapid enrollment design for Phase I clinical trials.." Stat Med. 2016;35(15):2516-24. Pub Med
. "Sample size calculation for cluster randomization trials with a time-to-event endpoint.." Stat Med. 2020;39(25):3608-3623. Pub Med
. "The power prior: Theory and applications.." Stat Med. 2015;34(28):3724-49. Pub Med
. "Variable selection for covariate-adjusted semiparametric inference in randomized clinical trials.." Stat Med. 2012;31(29):3789-804. Pub Med
. "On model selections for repeated measurement data in clinical studies.." Stat Med. 2015;34(10):1621-33. Pub Med
. "Bayesian design of a survival trial with a cured fraction using historical data.." Stat Med. 2018;37(26):3814-3831. Pub Med
. "A global logrank test for adaptive treatment strategies based on observational studies.." Stat Med. 2014;33(5):760-71. Pub Med
. "A simple and robust method for multivariate meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy.." Stat Med. 2017;36(1):105-121. Pub Med
. "Phase II clinical trials with time-to-event endpoints: optimal two-stage designs with one-sample log-rank test.." Stat Med. 2014;33(12):2004-16. Pub Med
. "Meta-analysis methods and models with applications in evaluation of cholesterol-lowering drugs.." Stat Med. 2012;31(28):3597-616. Pub Med
. "Superiority of combining two independent trials in interim futility analysis.." Stat Methods Med Res. 2020;29(2):522-540. Pub Med
. "Reporting and guidelines in propensity score analysis: A systematic review of cancer and cancer surgical studies.." J Natl Cancer Inst. 2017;109(8):. Pub Med
. "Development and validation of a natural language processing tool to generate the CONSORT reporting checklist for randomized clinical trials.." JAMA Netw Open. 2020;3(10):e2014661. Pub Med
. "Enrollment and stopping rules for managing toxicity requiring long follow-up in phase II oncology trials.." J Biopharm Stat. 2015;25(6):1206-14. Pub Med
. "Latent class model characterization of neighborhood socioeconomic status.." Cancer Causes Control. 2016;27(3):445-52. Pub Med
. "Using structural equation modeling to assess the links between tobacco smoke exposure, volatile organic compounds, and respiratory function for adolescents aged 6 to 18 in the United States.." Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2017;14(10):. Pub Med
. "Trastuzumab emtansine versus capecitabine plus lapatinib in patients with previously treated HER2-positive advanced breast cancer (EMILIA): a descriptive analysis of final overall survival results from a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial.." Lancet Oncol. 2017;18(6):732-742. Pub Med
. "Phase II, randomized, placebo-controlled study of dovitinib in combination with fulvestrant in postmenopausal patients with HR(+), HER2(-) breast cancer that had progressed during or after prior endocrine therapy.." Breast Cancer Res. 2017;19(1):18. Pub Med
. "Systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing palbociclib with chemotherapy agents for the treatment of postmenopausal women with HR-positive and HER2-negative advanced/metastatic breast cancer.." Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2017;166(1):167-177. Pub Med
. "Trastuzumab emtansine versus capecitabine plus lapatinib in patients with previously treated HER2-positive advanced breast cancer (EMILIA): a descriptive analysis of final overall survival results from a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial.." Lancet Oncol. 2017;18(6):732-742. Pub Med
. "Incorporating functional information in tests of excess De Novo mutational load.." Am J Hum Genet. 2015;97(2):272-83. Pub Med
. "Racial differences in diffusion of intensity-modulated radiation therapy for localized prostate cancer.." Am J Mens Health. 2016;10(5):399-407. Pub Med