Articles By Keyword

. "Basic concepts and methods for joint models of longitudinal and survival data.." J Clin Oncol. 2010;28(16):2796-801. Pub Med
. "Clinical prognostic model for older patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer.." J Geriatr Oncol. 2019;10(4):555-559. Pub Med
. "Network meta-analysis of margin threshold for women with ductal carcinoma in situ.." J Natl Cancer Inst. 2012;104(7):507-16. Pub Med
. "Comparative effectiveness of oxaliplatin vs non-oxaliplatin-containing adjuvant chemotherapy for stage III colon cancer.." J Natl Cancer Inst. 2012;104(3):211-27. Pub Med
. "Translational studies of phenotypic probes for the mononuclear phagocyte system and liposomal pharmacology.." J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2013;347(3):599-606. Pub Med
. "Increase in speech recognition due to linguistic mismatch between target and masker speech: monolingual and simultaneous bilingual performance.." J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2014;57(3):1089-97. Pub Med
. "Risk calculators are useful but....." J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2016;151(3):706-707. Pub Med
. "Toxicity related to radiotherapy dose and targeting strategy: A pooled analysis of cooperative group trials of combined modality therapy for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer.." J Thorac Oncol. 2019;14(2):298-303. Pub Med
. "Multitrial evaluation of progression-free survival as a surrogate end point for overall survival in first-line extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer.." J Thorac Oncol. 2015;10(7):1099-106. Pub Med
. "Trastuzumab emtansine versus capecitabine plus lapatinib in patients with previously treated HER2-positive advanced breast cancer (EMILIA): a descriptive analysis of final overall survival results from a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial.." Lancet Oncol. 2017;18(6):732-742. Pub Med
. "Semiparametric sieve maximum likelihood estimation under cure model with partly interval censored and left truncated data for application to spontaneous abortion.." Lifetime Data Anal. 2019;25(3):507-528. Pub Med
. "Accelerated failure time model for data from outcome-dependent sampling.." Lifetime Data Anal. 2021;27(1):15-37. Pub Med
. "Proportional exponentiated link transformed hazards (ELTH) models for discrete time survival data with application.." Lifetime Data Anal. 2016;22(1):38-62. Pub Med
. "Marginal hazard regression for correlated failure time data with auxiliary covariates.." Lifetime Data Anal. 2012;18(1):116-38. Pub Med
. "Validation of survival prognostic models for non-small-cell lung cancer in stage- and age-specific groups.." Lung Cancer. 2015;90(2):281-7. Pub Med
. "Predicting risk of chemotherapy-induced severe neutropenia: A pooled analysis in individual patients data with advanced lung cancer.." Lung Cancer. 2020;141():14-20. Pub Med
. "Differential damage and repair of DNA-adducts induced by anti-cancer drug cisplatin across mouse organs.." Nat Commun. 2019;10(1):309. Pub Med
. "Genome-wide association study identifies five new schizophrenia loci.." Nat Genet. 2011;43(10):969-76. Pub Med
. "Genetic analyses of diverse populations improves discovery for complex traits.." Nature. 2019;570(7762):514-518. Pub Med
. "FADTTS: Functional analysis of diffusion tensor tract statistics.." Neuroimage. 2011;56(3):1412-25. Pub Med
. "Semiparametric Bayesian local functional models for diffusion tensor tract statistics.." Neuroimage. 2012;63(1):460-74. Pub Med
. "Longitudinal regression analysis of spatial-temporal growth patterns of geometrical diffusion measures in early postnatal brain development with diffusion tensor imaging.." Neuroimage. 2011;58(4):993-1005. Pub Med
. "Multiscale adaptive generalized estimating equations for longitudinal neuroimaging data.." Neuroimage. 2013;72():91-105. Pub Med
. "SMAC: Spatial multi-category angle-based classifier for high-dimensional neuroimaging data.." Neuroimage. 2018;175():230-245. Pub Med
. "SGPP: Spatial Gaussian predictive process models for neuroimaging data.." Neuroimage. 2014;89():70-80. Pub Med
. "FMEM: Functional mixed effects modeling for the analysis of longitudinal white matter Tract data.." Neuroimage. 2014;84():753-64. Pub Med
. "Sex differences in grey matter atrophy patterns among AD and aMCI patients: results from ADNI.." Neuroimage. 2011;56(3):890-906. Pub Med
. "The association between copy number aberration, DNA methylation and gene expression in tumor samples.." Nucleic Acids Res. 2018;46(6):3009-3018. Pub Med
. "Validation of progression-free survival as a surrogate endpoint for overall survival in malignant mesothelioma: Analysis of Cancer and Leukemia Group B and North Central Cancer Treatment Group (Alliance) Trials.." Oncologist. 2017;22(2):189-198. Pub Med
. "A comparison of proposed biosimilar LA-EP2006 and reference Pegfilgrastim for the prevention of neutropenia in patients with early-stage breast cancer receiving Myelosuppressive adjuvant or Neoadjuvant chemotherapy: Pegfilgrastim Randomized Oncology (Supp." Oncologist. 2016;21(7):789-94. Pub Med
. "Pharmacogenetics, enzyme probes and therapeutic drug monitoring as potential tools for individualizing taxane therapy.." Pharmacogenomics. 2013;14(5):555-74. Pub Med
. "Multivariate longitudinal shape analysis of human lateral ventricles during the first twenty-four months of life.." PLoS One. 2014;9(9):e108306. Pub Med
. "Localized differences in caudate and hippocampal shape are associated with schizophrenia but not antipsychotic type.." Psychiatry Res. 2013;211(1):1-10. Pub Med
. "Intergenerational response to the endocrine disruptor vinclozolin is influenced by maternal genotype and crossing scheme.." Reprod Toxicol. 2018;78():9-19. Pub Med
. "Age and African-American race impact the validity and reliability of the asthma control test in persistent asthmatics.." Respir Res. 2018;19(1):152. Pub Med
. "Genetic variation determines VEGF-A plasma levels in cancer patients.." Sci Rep. 2018;8(1):16332. Pub Med
. "PIK3CA mutations enable targeting of a breast tumor dependency through mTOR-mediated MCL-1 translation.." Sci Transl Med. 2016;8(369):369ra175. Pub Med
. "Cancer pharmacogenomics: early promise, but concerted effort needed.." Science. 2013;339(6127):1563-6. Pub Med
. "Sample size and power determination in joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data.." Stat Med. 2011;30(18):2295-309. Pub Med
. "A new Bayesian joint model for longitudinal count data with many zeros, intermittent missingness, and dropout with applications to HIV prevention trials.." Stat Med. 2019;38(30):5565-5586. Pub Med
. "An Expectation Maximization algorithm for fitting the generalized odds-rate model to interval censored data.." Stat Med. 2017;36(7):1157-1171. Pub Med
. "Bayesian probability of success for clinical trials using historical data.." Stat Med. 2015;34(2):249-64. Pub Med
. "A simple and robust method for multivariate meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy.." Stat Med. 2017;36(1):105-121. Pub Med
. "Assessing model fit in joint models of longitudinal and survival data with applications to cancer clinical trials.." Stat Med. 2014;33(27):4715-33. Pub Med
. "Bayesian inference for multivariate meta-analysis Box-Cox transformation models for individual patient data with applications to evaluation of cholesterol-lowering drugs.." Stat Med. 2013;32(23):3972-90. Pub Med
. "Secondary outcome analysis for data from an outcome-dependent sampling design.." Stat Med. 2018;37(15):2321-2337. Pub Med
. "Sample size/power calculation for stratified case-cohort design.." Stat Med. 2014;33(23):3973-85. Pub Med
. "Using pilot data to size a two-arm randomized trial to find a nearly optimal personalized treatment strategy.." Stat Med. 2016;35(8):1245-56. Pub Med
. "Multiple testing of treatment-effect-modifying biomarkers in a randomized clinical trial with a survival endpoint.." Stat Med. 2011;30(13):1502-18. Pub Med
. "Parameter estimation in Cox models with missing failure indicators and the OPPERA study.." Stat Med. 2015;34(30):3984-96. Pub Med