Articles By Keyword

. "Biomarker threshold adaptive designs for survival endpoints.." J Biopharm Stat. 2018;28(6):1038-1054. Pub Med
. "The use of Bayesian hierarchical models for adaptive randomization in biomarker-driven phase II studies.." J Biopharm Stat. 2015;25(1):66-88. Pub Med
. "Comparison of operational characteristics for binary tests with clustered data.." Stat Med. 2015;34(15):2325-33. Pub Med
. "Estimating effect of environmental contaminants on women's subfecundity for the MoBa study data with an outcome-dependent sampling scheme.." Biostatistics. 2014;15(4):636-50. Pub Med
. "Estimation of a partially linear additive model for data from an outcome-dependent sampling design with a continuous outcome.." Biostatistics. 2016;17(4):663-76. Pub Med
. "Common variants in psychiatric risk genes predict brain structure at birth.." Cereb Cortex. 2014;24(5):1230-46. Pub Med
. "Semiparametric sieve maximum likelihood estimation under cure model with partly interval censored and left truncated data for application to spontaneous abortion.." Lifetime Data Anal. 2019;25(3):507-528. Pub Med
. "Intergenerational response to the endocrine disruptor vinclozolin is influenced by maternal genotype and crossing scheme.." Reprod Toxicol. 2018;78():9-19. Pub Med
. "Secondary outcome analysis for data from an outcome-dependent sampling design.." Stat Med. 2018;37(15):2321-2337. Pub Med
. "Using pilot data to size a two-arm randomized trial to find a nearly optimal personalized treatment strategy.." Stat Med. 2016;35(8):1245-56. Pub Med
. "Bivariate random effects models for meta-analysis of comparative studies with binary outcomes: methods for the absolute risk difference and relative risk.." Stat Methods Med Res. 2012;21(6):621-33. Pub Med
. "Estimation of a partially linear additive model for data from an outcome-dependent sampling design with a continuous outcome.." Biostatistics. 2016;17(4):663-76. Pub Med
. "Intergenerational response to the endocrine disruptor vinclozolin is influenced by maternal genotype and crossing scheme.." Reprod Toxicol. 2018;78():9-19. Pub Med
. "A robust method for estimating optimal treatment regimes.." Biometrics. 2012;68(4):1010-8. Pub Med
. "Doubly-robust estimators of treatment-specific survival distributions in observational studies with stratified sampling.." Biometrics. 2013;69(4):830-9. Pub Med
. "Bayesian design of superiority clinical trials for recurrent events data with applications to bleeding and transfusion events in myelodyplastic syndrome.." Biometrics. 2014;70(4):1003-13. Pub Med
. "Bayesian path specific frailty models for multi-state survival data with applications.." Biometrics. 2015;71(3):760-71. Pub Med
. "Assessing the dependence of sensitivity and specificity on prevalence in meta-analysis.." Biostatistics. 2011;12(4):710-22. Pub Med
. "A trivariate meta-analysis of diagnostic studies accounting for prevalence and non-evaluable subjects: re-evaluation of the meta-analysis of coronary CT angiography studies.." BMC Med Res Methodol. 2014;14():128. Pub Med
. "Pathway-guided identification of gene-gene interactions.." Ann Hum Genet. 2014;78(6):478-91. Pub Med
. "FLCRM: Functional linear Cox regression model.." Biometrics. 2018;74(1):109-117. Pub Med
. "Incorporating covariates in skewed functional data models.." Biostatistics. 2015;16(3):413-26. Pub Med
. "Incorporating higher-order representative features improves prediction in network-based cancer prognosis analysis.." BMC Med Genomics. 2011;4():5. Pub Med
. "Radiomics analysis using stability selection supervised component analysis for right-censored survival data.." Comput Biol Med. 2020;124():103959. Pub Med
. "On the substructure controls in rare variant analysis: Principal components or variance components?." Genet Epidemiol. 2018;42(3):276-287. Pub Med
. "Analysis of gene-gene interactions using gene-trait similarity regression.." Hum Hered. 2014;78(1):17-26. Pub Med
. "Predicting Alzheimer's disease using combined imaging-whole genome SNP data.." J Alzheimers Dis. 2015;46(3):695-702. Pub Med
. "SGPP: Spatial Gaussian predictive process models for neuroimaging data.." Neuroimage. 2014;89():70-80. Pub Med
. "FADTTS: Functional analysis of diffusion tensor tract statistics.." Neuroimage. 2011;56(3):1412-25. Pub Med
. "Stratified Fisher's exact test and its sample size calculation.." Biom J. 2014;56(1):129-40. Pub Med
. "Receiver operating characteristic curves and confidence bands for support vector machines.." Biometrics. 2021;77(4):1422-1430. Pub Med
. "Inference on treatment effects from a randomized clinical trial in the presence of premature treatment discontinuation: the SYNERGY trial.." Biostatistics. 2011;12(2):258-69. Pub Med
. "Bayesian estimation of semiparametric nonlinear dynamic factor analysis models using the Dirichlet process prior.." Br J Math Stat Psychol. 2011;64(Pt 1):69-106. Pub Med
. "Seamless phase IIa/IIb and enhanced dose-finding adaptive design.." J Biopharm Stat. 2016;26(5):912-23. Pub Med
. "Comparing oncology clinical programs by use of innovative designs and expected net present value optimization: Which adaptive approach leads to the best result?." J Biopharm Stat. 2017;27(3):457-476. Pub Med
. "Continual reassessment method with regularization in phase I clinical trials.." J Biopharm Stat. 2020;30(6):964-978. Pub Med
. "Phase II cancer clinical trials for biomarker-guided treatments.." J Biopharm Stat. 2018;28(2):256-263. Pub Med
. "Recent progresses in outcome-dependent sampling with failure time data.." Lifetime Data Anal. 2017;23(1):57-82. Pub Med
. "Bayesian probability of success for clinical trials using historical data.." Stat Med. 2015;34(2):249-64. Pub Med
. "Ascertaining properties of weighting in the estimation of optimal treatment regimes under monotone missingness.." Stat Med. 2020;39(25):3503-3520. Pub Med
. "Secondary outcome analysis for data from an outcome-dependent sampling design.." Stat Med. 2018;37(15):2321-2337. Pub Med
. "A global logrank test for adaptive treatment strategies based on observational studies.." Stat Med. 2014;33(5):760-71. Pub Med
. "On random sample size, ignorability, ancillarity, completeness, separability, and degeneracy: sequential trials, random sample sizes, and missing data.." Stat Methods Med Res. 2014;23(1):11-41. Pub Med
. "Medical records-based postmarketing safety evaluation of rare events with uncertain status.." J Biopharm Stat. 2013;23(4):744-55. Pub Med
. "Medical records-based postmarketing safety evaluation of rare events with uncertain status.." J Biopharm Stat. 2013;23(1):201-12. Pub Med
. "Penalized nonlinear mixed effects model to identify biomarkers that predict disease progression.." Biometrics. 2017;73(4):1343-1354. Pub Med
. "Accelerated intensity frailty model for recurrent events data.." Biometrics. 2014;70(3):579-87. Pub Med
. "Reinforcement learning strategies for clinical trials in nonsmall cell lung cancer.." Biometrics. 2011;67(4):1422-33. Pub Med
. "Incorporating higher-order representative features improves prediction in network-based cancer prognosis analysis.." BMC Med Genomics. 2011;4():5. Pub Med
. "Latent class model characterization of neighborhood socioeconomic status.." Cancer Causes Control. 2016;27(3):445-52. Pub Med