Articles By Keyword

. "Estimating the subgroup and testing for treatment effect in a post-hoc analysis of a clinical trial with a biomarker.." J Biopharm Stat. 2019;29(4):685-695. Pub Med
. "Time course and prognostic value of serum GFAP, pNFH, and S100β concentrations in dogs with complete spinal cord injury because of intervertebral disc extrusion.." J Vet Intern Med. 2019;33(2):726-734. Pub Med
. "SMAC: Spatial multi-category angle-based classifier for high-dimensional neuroimaging data.." Neuroimage. 2018;175():230-245. Pub Med
. "Auxiliary variable-enriched biomarker-stratified design.." Stat Med. 2018;37(30):4610-4635. Pub Med
. "Predictive accuracy of markers or risk scores for interval censored survival data.." Stat Med. 2020;39(18):2437-2446. Pub Med
. "Pattern mixture models for clinical validation of biomarkers in the presence of missing data.." Stat Med. 2017;36(19):2994-3004. Pub Med
. "Cancer pharmacogenomics: early promise, but concerted effort needed.." Science. 2013;339(6127):1563-6. Pub Med
. "Joint modeling of survival and longitudinal non-survival data: current methods and issues. Report of the DIA Bayesian joint modeling working group.." Stat Med. 2015;34(14):2181-95. Pub Med
. "Discussion of combining biomarkers to optimize patient treatment recommendations.." Biometrics. 2014;70(3):713-6. Pub Med
. "Discussion of "Combining biomarkers to optimize patient treatment recommendation".." Biometrics. 2014;70(3):707-10. Pub Med
. "Assessing the dependence of sensitivity and specificity on prevalence in meta-analysis.." Biostatistics. 2011;12(4):710-22. Pub Med
. "Statistical aspect of translational and correlative studies in clinical trials.." Chin Clin Oncol. 2016;5(1):11. Pub Med
. "Purity independent subtyping of tumors (PurIST), a clinically robust, single-sample classifier for tumor subtyping in pancreatic cancer.." Clin Cancer Res. 2020;26(1):82-92. Pub Med
. "Predictive blood-based biomarkers in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer treated with carboplatin and paclitaxel with or without bevacizumab: Results from GOG-0218.." Clin Cancer Res. 2020;26(6):1288-1296. Pub Med
. "Associating somatic mutations to clinical outcomes: a pan-cancer study of survival time.." Genome Med. 2019;11(1):37. Pub Med
. "Analysing breast cancer microarrays from African Americans using shrinkage-based discriminant analysis.." Hum Genomics. 2010;5(1):5-16. Pub Med
. "Biomarker threshold adaptive designs for survival endpoints.." J Biopharm Stat. 2018;28(6):1038-1054. Pub Med
. "Statistical issues and advances in cancer precision medicine research.." J Biopharm Stat. 2018;28(2):215-216. Pub Med
. "On enrichment strategies for biomarker stratified clinical trials.." J Biopharm Stat. 2018;28(2):292-308. Pub Med
. "The use of Bayesian hierarchical models for adaptive randomization in biomarker-driven phase II studies.." J Biopharm Stat. 2015;25(1):66-88. Pub Med
. "Phase II cancer clinical trials for biomarker-guided treatments.." J Biopharm Stat. 2018;28(2):256-263. Pub Med
. "Celecoxib with neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer might worsen outcomes differentially by COX-2 expression and ER status: Exploratory analysis of the REMAGUS02 trial.." J Clin Oncol. 2019;37(8):624-635. Pub Med
. "Cancer pharmacogenomics: early promise, but concerted effort needed.." Science. 2013;339(6127):1563-6. Pub Med
. "Multiple testing of treatment-effect-modifying biomarkers in a randomized clinical trial with a survival endpoint.." Stat Med. 2011;30(13):1502-18. Pub Med
. "Quantifying center of pressure variability in chondrodystrophoid dogs.." Vet J. 2017;226():26-31. Pub Med
. "Reporting and guidelines in propensity score analysis: A systematic review of cancer and cancer surgical studies.." J Natl Cancer Inst. 2017;109(8):. Pub Med
. "Development and validation of a natural language processing tool to generate the CONSORT reporting checklist for randomized clinical trials.." JAMA Netw Open. 2020;3(10):e2014661. Pub Med
. "Semiparametric additive marginal regression models for multiple type recurrent events.." Lifetime Data Anal. 2012;18(4):504-27. Pub Med
. "K-Sample comparisons using propensity analysis.." Biom J. 2019;61(3):698-713. Pub Med
. "Stratified Fisher's exact test and its sample size calculation.." Biom J. 2014;56(1):129-40. Pub Med
. "Testing and estimation in marker-set association study using semiparametric quantile regression kernel machine.." Biometrics. 2016;72(2):364-71. Pub Med
. "Using decision lists to construct interpretable and parsimonious treatment regimes.." Biometrics. 2015;71(4):895-904. Pub Med
. "Semiparametric estimation of the accelerated failure time model with partly interval-censored data.." Biometrics. 2017;73(4):1161-1168. Pub Med
. "Multiple kernel learning with random effects for predicting longitudinal outcomes and data integration.." Biometrics. 2015;71(4):918-28. Pub Med
. "Bayesian lasso for semiparametric structural equation models.." Biometrics. 2012;68(2):567-77. Pub Med
. "Time-varying latent effect model for longitudinal data with informative observation times.." Biometrics. 2012;68(4):1093-102. Pub Med
. "Biclustering via sparse clustering.." Biometrics. 2020;76(1):348-358. Pub Med
. "A penalized likelihood approach for investigating gene-drug interactions in pharmacogenetic studies.." Biometrics. 2015;71(2):529-37. Pub Med
. "Bayesian meta-experimental design: evaluating cardiovascular risk in new antidiabetic therapies to treat type 2 diabetes.." Biometrics. 2012;68(2):578-86. Pub Med
. "Analysis of secondary phenotypes in multigroup association studies.." Biometrics. 2020;76(2):606-618. Pub Med
. "Bayesian influence measures for joint models for longitudinal and survival data.." Biometrics. 2012;68(3):954-64. Pub Med
. "Improved doubly robust estimation when data are monotonely coarsened, with application to longitudinal studies with dropout.." Biometrics. 2011;67(2):536-45. Pub Med
. "Bayesian design of noninferiority trials for medical devices using historical data.." Biometrics. 2011;67(3):1163-70. Pub Med
. "Discussion of combining biomarkers to optimize patient treatment recommendations.." Biometrics. 2014;70(3):713-6. Pub Med
. "Inference for optimal dynamic treatment regimes using an adaptive m-out-of-n bootstrap scheme.." Biometrics. 2013;69(3):714-23. Pub Med
. "Optimal two-stage dynamic treatment regimes from a classification perspective with censored survival data.." Biometrics. 2018;74(4):1180-1192. Pub Med
. "Probability-enhanced sufficient dimension reduction for binary classification.." Biometrics. 2014;70(3):546-55. Pub Med
. "Bayesian design of biosimilars clinical programs involving multiple therapeutic indications.." Biometrics. 2020;76(2):630-642. Pub Med
. "Semiparametric regression analysis of interval-censored data with informative dropout.." Biometrics. 2018;74(4):1213-1222. Pub Med
. "Discussion of "Combining biomarkers to optimize patient treatment recommendation".." Biometrics. 2014;70(3):707-10. Pub Med