Over 3,000 articles have been published with the help of ARIC research.
Publications can be searched or displayed in total.
Displaying 2701 - 2800 of 3159
MS # | Publication |
431 | Schroeder, EB, Heiss, G. Impaired lung function and subclinical atherosclerosis. The ARIC Study.. Atherosclerosis. 2005-01-25; 180(2): 367-73 . PMID: 15910864; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 431 |
382 | Ranjit, N, Szklo, M. Socioeconomic differences in progression of carotid intima-media thickness in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2005-12-1; 26(2): 411-6 . PMID: 16322533; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 382 |
334 | Cooper, LS, Sorlie, PD. Retinal microvascular abnormalities and MRI-defined subclinical cerebral infarction: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Stroke. 2005-11-23; 37(1): 82-6 . PMID: 16306463; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 334 |
314 | Mosley, TH, Szklo, M. Cerebral MRI findings and cognitive functioning: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study.. Neurology. 2005-06-28; 64(12): 2056-62 . PMID: 15985571; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 314 |
1076 | Fox, ER, Skelton, TN. Left ventricular mass indexed to height and prevalent MRI cerebrovascular disease in an African American cohort: the Atherosclerotic Risk in Communities study.. Stroke. 2005-01-20; 36(3): 546-50 . PMID: 15662040; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 1076 |
1067 | Selvin, E, Sharrett, AR. Glycaemia (haemoglobin A1c) and incident ischaemic stroke: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Lancet Neurol. 2005-12; 4(12): 821-6 . PMID: 16297840; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 1067 |
1047 | Budhiraja, R, Quan, SF. Sleep-disordered breathing and cardiovascular health.. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2005-11; 11(6): 501-6 . PMID: 16217175; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 1047 |
1024 | Selvin, E, Steffes, MW. Glycemic control and coronary heart disease risk in persons with and without diabetes: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Arch Intern Med. 2005-09-12; 165(16): 1910-6 . PMID: 16157837; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 1024 |
1011 | Selvin, E, Steffes, MW. Stability of haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) measurements from frozen whole blood samples stored for over a decade.. Diabet Med. 2005-12; 22(12): 1726-30 . PMID: 16401319; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 1011 |
1002 | Volcik, KA, Boerwinkle, E. P-selectin Thr715Pro polymorphism predicts P-selectin levels but not risk of incident coronary heart disease or ischemic stroke in a cohort of 14595 participants: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Atherosclerosis. 2005-08-25; 186(1): 74-9 . PMID: 16125711; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 1002 |
0831B. | McNeill, AM, Heiss, G. The metabolic syndrome and 11-year risk of incident cardiovascular disease in the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Diabetes Care. 2005-02; 28(2): 385-90 . PMID: 15677797; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0831B. |
0813S. | Kapur, VK, Nieto, FJ. Sleepiness in patients with moderate to severe sleep-disordered breathing.. Sleep. 2005-04; 28(4): 472-7 . PMID: 16171292; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0813S. |
0756S. | Redline, S, O'Connor, G. Polysomnographic predictors of blood pressure and hypertension: is one index best?. Sleep. 2005-09; 28(9): 1122-30 . PMID: 16268382; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0756S. |
0755S. | Fass, R, Iber, C. Predictors of heartburn during sleep in a large prospective cohort study.. Chest. 2005-05; 127(5): 1658-66 . PMID: 15888843; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0755S. |
0400A. | Stang, PE, Szklo, M. Headache, cerebrovascular symptoms, and stroke: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Neurology. 2005-05-10; 64(9): 1573-7 . PMID: 15883318; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0400A. |
897 | Vaidean, GD, Rautaharju, PM. Short-term repeatability of electrocardiographic spatial T-wave axis and QT interval.. J Electrocardiol. 2005-04; 38(2): 139-47 . PMID: 15892024; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 897 |
1033B. | Fornage, M, Boerwinkle, E. The soluble epoxide hydrolase gene harbors sequence variation associated with susceptibility to and protection from incident ischemic stroke.. Hum Mol Genet. 2005-08-22; 14(19): 2829-37 . PMID: 16115816; PMCID: PMC1343524.Pubmed : MS# 1033B. |
0830B. | Houston, DK, Cai, J. Abdominal fat distribution and functional limitations and disability in a biracial cohort: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Int J Obes (Lond). 2005-12; 29(12): 1457-63 . PMID: 16077713; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0830B. |
0830A. | Houston, DK, Morey, MC. Role of weight history on functional limitations and disability in late adulthood: the ARIC study.. Obes Res. 2005-10; 13(10): 1793-802 . PMID: 16286527; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0830A. |
MS # | Publication |
528 | Weitzman, S, ARIC, (Atherosclerosis. Is diabetes an independent risk factor for mortality after myocardial infarction? The ARIC (Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities) Surveillance Study.. Acta Diabetol. 2004-06; 41(2): 77-83 . PMID: 15224209; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 528 |
881 | Golden, SH, Dobs, A. Glucose and insulin components of the metabolic syndrome are associated with hyperandrogenism in postmenopausal women: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Am J Epidemiol. 2004-09-15; 160(6): 540-8 . PMID: 15353414; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 881 |
826 | Nunez, E, Andrew, M. Optimal threshold value for left ventricular hypertrophy in blacks: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study.. Hypertension. 2004-11-29; 45(1): 58-63 . PMID: 15569859; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 826 |
864 | Borrell, LN, Atherosclerosis, Risk. Neighbourhood characteristics and mortality in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Int J Epidemiol. 2004-04; 33(2): 398-407 . PMID: 15082648; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 864 |
862 | Pankow, JS, Atherosclerosis, Risk. Fasting plasma free fatty acids and risk of type 2 diabetes: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Diabetes Care. 2004-01; 27(1): 77-82 . PMID: 14693970; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 862 |
837 | Mudali, S, atherosclerosis, risk. Endogenous postmenopausal hormones and serum lipids: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004-11-16; 90(2): 1202-9 . PMID: 15546905; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 837 |
818 | Lee, CD, Atherosclerosis, Risk. Cardiovascular events in diabetic and nondiabetic adults with or without history of myocardial infarction.. Circulation. 2004-02-2; 109(7): 855-60 . PMID: 14757692; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 818 |
799 | Folsom, AR, Atherosclerosis, Risk. Association of traditional and nontraditional cardiovascular risk factors with coronary artery calcification.. Angiology. 2004-Nov-Dec; 55(6): 613-23 . PMID: 15547647; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 799 |
776 | Wong, TY, Atherosclerosis, Risk. Retinal arteriolar diameter and risk for hypertension.. Ann Intern Med. 2004-02-17; 140(4): 248-55 . PMID: 14970147; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 776 |
770 | Golden, SH, Atherosclerosis, Risk. Depressive symptoms and the risk of type 2 diabetes: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study.. Diabetes Care. 2004-02; 27(2): 429-35 . PMID: 14747224; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 770 |
0831A. | McNeill, AM, Ballantyne, C. Prevalence of coronary heart disease and carotid arterial thickening in patients with the metabolic syndrome (The ARIC Study).. Am J Cardiol. 2004-11-15; 94(10): 1249-54 . PMID: 15541239; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0831A. |
846 | Fox, E, Skelton, T. Epidemiology of mitral annular calcification and its predictive value for coronary events in African Americans: the Jackson Cohort of the Atherosclerotic Risk in Communities Study.. Am Heart J. 2004-12; 148(6): 979-84 . PMID: 15632881; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 846 |
674 | Fox, E, Skelton, T. Body mass index and blood pressure influences on left ventricular mass and geometry in African Americans: The Atherosclerotic Risk In Communities (ARIC) Study.. Hypertension. 2004-06-7; 44(1): 55-60 . PMID: 15184348; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 674 |
976 | Duncan, BB, Heiss, G. Adiponectin and the development of type 2 diabetes: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Diabetes. 2004-09; 53(9): 2473-8 . PMID: 15331562; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 976 |
96 | Hallman, DM, Boerwinkle, E. Relationship between low-density lipoprotein subclasses and asymptomatic atherosclerosis in subjects from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Biomarkers. 2004-Mar-Apr; 9(2): 190-202 . PMID: 15370875; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 96 |
932 | Whitsel, EA, Heiss, G. Accuracy and repeatability of commercial geocoding.. Am J Epidemiol. 2004-11-15; 160(10): 1023-9 . PMID: 15522859; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 932 |
906 | Wong, TY, Schmidt, MI. Associations between the metabolic syndrome and retinal microvascular signs: the Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities study.. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2004-09; 45(9): 2949-54 . PMID: 15326106; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 906 |
899 | Muntner, P, Coresh, J. Traditional and nontraditional risk factors predict coronary heart disease in chronic kidney disease: results from the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2004-12-29; 16(2): 529-38 . PMID: 15625072; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 899 |
894 | Schroeder, EB, Heiss, G. Repeatability of heart rate variability measures.. J Electrocardiol. 2004-07; 37(3): 163-72 . PMID: 15286929; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 894 |
889 | Ballantyne, CM, Sharrett, AR. Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, and risk for incident coronary heart disease in middle-aged men and women in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. Circulation. 2004-02-2; 109(7): 837-42 . PMID: 14757686; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 889 |
880 | Rose, KM, Heiss, G. Historical measures of social context in life course studies: retrospective linkage of addresses to decennial censuses.. Int J Health Geogr. 2004-11-17; 3(1): 27 . PMID: 15548332; PMCID: PMC538253.Pubmed : MS# 880 |
863 | Astor, BC, Coresh, J. Association of kidney function and hemoglobin with left ventricular morphology among African Americans: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. Am J Kidney Dis. 2004-05; 43(5): 836-45 . PMID: 15112174; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 863 |
861 | Elter, JR, Beck, JD. Relationship of periodontal disease and tooth loss to prevalence of coronary heart disease.. J Periodontol. 2004-06; 75(6): 782-90 . PMID: 15295942; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 861 |
860 | Liao, D, Lin, HM. Association of higher levels of ambient criteria pollutants with impaired cardiac autonomic control: a population-based study.. Am J Epidemiol. 2004-04-15; 159(8): 768-77 . PMID: 15051586; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 860 |
858 | Nakib, SA, Folsom, AR. Periodontitis and coronary artery calcification: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. J Periodontol. 2004-04; 75(4): 505-10 . PMID: 15152812; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 858 |
835 | Tilling, K, Szklo, M. The relation between birth weight and intima-media thickness in middle-aged adults.. Epidemiology. 2004-09; 15(5): 557-64 . PMID: 15308955; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 835 |
824 | Chambless, LE, Toole, J. Prediction of ischemic stroke risk in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Am J Epidemiol. 2004-08-1; 160(3): 259-69 . PMID: 15257999; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 824 |
822 | Rose, KM, Wyatt, SB. Women's employment status and mortality: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2004-12; 13(10): 1108-18 . PMID: 15650344; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 822 |
801 | Richey, Sharrett, ARIC, Study. Smoking and diabetes differ in their associations with subclinical atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease-the ARIC Study.. Atherosclerosis. 2004-01; 172(1): 143-9 . PMID: 14709368; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 801 |
769 | Wong, TY, Duncan, BB. Retinal microvascular abnormalities and renal dysfunction: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2004-09; 15(9): 2469-76 . PMID: 15339997; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 769 |
723 | Din-Dzietham, R, Jones, DW. Arterial stiffness is greater in African Americans than in whites: evidence from the Forsyth County, North Carolina, ARIC cohort.. Am J Hypertens. 2004-04; 17(4): 304-13 . PMID: 15062883; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 723 |
702 | Nunez, E, Skelton, TN. Comparison of the prognostic value of left ventricular hypertrophy in African-American men versus women.. Am J Cardiol. 2004-12-1; 94(11): 1383-90 . PMID: 15566908; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 702 |
690 | Thyagarajan, B, Gross, M. CYP1B1 and CYP19 gene polymorphisms and breast cancer incidence: no association in the ARIC study.. Cancer Lett. 2004-04-30; 207(2): 183-9 . PMID: 15072827; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 690 |
654 | Cushman, M, Folsom, AR. Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in two cohorts: the longitudinal investigation of thromboembolism etiology.. Am J Med. 2004-07-1; 117(1): 19-25 . PMID: 15210384; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 654 |
652 | Cakir, B, Weston, BW. Association of the Lewis genotype with cardiovascular risk factors and subclinical carotid atherosclerosis: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. J Intern Med. 2004-01; 255(1): 40-51 . PMID: 14687237; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 652 |
621 | Schwartz, SW, Rosamond, WD. Synergism between smoking and vital exhaustion in the risk of ischemic stroke: evidence from the ARIC study.. Ann Epidemiol. 2004-07; 14(6): 416-24 . PMID: 15246330; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 621 |
609 | Millen, AE, Mares, JA. Relation between intake of vitamins C and E and risk of diabetic retinopathy in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004-05; 79(5): 865-73 . PMID: 15113727; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 609 |
576 | Nkomo, VT, Skelton, TN. Left ventricular structure and systolic function in African Americans: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. Ethn Dis. 2004-Autumn; 14(4): 483-8 . PMID: 15724766; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 576 |
504 | Kshirsagar, AV, Colindres, RE. Ankle brachial index independently predicts early kidney disease.. Ren Fail. 2004-07; 26(4): 433-43 . PMID: 15462113; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 504 |
449 | Fuchs, FD, Szklo, M. Association between alcoholic beverage consumption and incidence of coronary heart disease in whites and blacks: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Am J Epidemiol. 2004-09-1; 160(5): 466-74 . PMID: 15321844; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 449 |
444 | Chambless, LE, Paton, C. Association between symptoms reported in a population questionnaire and future ischemic stroke: the ARIC study.. Neuroepidemiology. 2004-Jan-Apr; 23(1-2): 33-7 . PMID: 14739565; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 444 |
400 | Rose, KM, Szklo, M. Migraine and other headaches: associations with Rose angina and coronary heart disease.. Neurology. 2004-12-28; 63(12): 2233-9 . PMID: 15623679; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 400 |
363 | Carson, AP, Szklo, M. Lifetime prevalence of migraine and other headaches lasting 4 or more hours: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. Headache. 2004-01; 44(1): 20-8 . PMID: 14979879; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 363 |
300 | Dekker, JM, ARIC, Study. Heart rate-corrected QT interval prolongation predicts risk of coronary heart disease in black and white middle-aged men and women: the ARIC study.. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004-02-18; 43(4): 565-71 . PMID: 14975464; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 300 |
210 | Rosamond, WD, Folsom, AR. Trends in the sensitivity, positive predictive value, false-positive rate, and comparability ratio of hospital discharge diagnosis codes for acute myocardial infarction in four US communities, 1987-2000.. Am J Epidemiol. 2004-12-15; 160(12): 1137-46 . PMID: 15583364; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 210 |
0886S. | Boland, LL, Newman, AB. Sleep-disordered breathing is not associated with the presence of retinal microvascular abnormalities: the Sleep Heart Health Study.. Sleep. 2004-05-1; 27(3): 467-73 . PMID: 15164900; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0886S. |
0812S. | Iber, C, Smith, P. Polysomnography performed in the unattended home versus the attended laboratory setting--Sleep Heart Health Study methodology.. Sleep. 2004-05-1; 27(3): 536-40 . PMID: 15164911; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0812S. |
0811S. | Punjabi, NM, Sleep, Heart. Sleep-disordered breathing, glucose intolerance, and insulin resistance: the Sleep Heart Health Study.. Am J Epidemiol. 2004-09-15; 160(6): 521-30 . PMID: 15353412; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0811S. |
0806S. | Walsleben, JA, Nieto, FJ. Sleep and reported daytime sleepiness in normal subjects: the Sleep Heart Health Study.. Sleep. 2004-03-15; 27(2): 293-8 . PMID: 15124725; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0806S. |
0779S. | Baldwin, CM, Sleep, Heart. Associations between gender and measures of daytime somnolence in the Sleep Heart Health Study.. Sleep. 2004-03-15; 27(2): 305-11 . PMID: 15124727; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0779S. |
MS # | Publication |
853 | Duncan, BB, Atherosclerosis, Risk. Low-grade systemic inflammation and the development of type 2 diabetes: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Diabetes. 2003-07; 52(7): 1799-805 . PMID: 12829649; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 853 |
781 | Folsom, AR, Atherosclerosis, Risk. Prediction of coronary heart disease in middle-aged adults with diabetes.. Diabetes Care. 2003-10; 26(10): 2777-84 . PMID: 14514579; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 781 |
421 | Shahar, E, Atherosclerosis, Risk. Plasma lipid profile and incident ischemic stroke: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. Stroke. 2003-02-20; 34(3): 623-31 . PMID: 12624282; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 421 |
0753A. | Wong, TY, Atherosclerosis, Risk. Retinal microvascular changes and MRI signs of cerebral atrophy in healthy, middle-aged people.. Neurology. 2003-09-23; 61(6): 806-11 . PMID: 14504325; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0753A. |
0357C. | Kao, WH, Atherosclerosis, Risk. Pro12Ala of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma2 gene is associated with lower serum insulin levels in nonobese African Americans: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Diabetes. 2003-06; 52(6): 1568-72 . PMID: 12765972; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0357C. |
0187A. | Duncan, BB, Atherosclerosis, Risk. Inflammation markers predict increased weight gain in smoking quitters.. Obes Res. 2003-11; 11(11): 1339-44 . PMID: 14627754; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0187A. |
800 | Folsom, AR, Aleksic, N. Prospective study of fibrinolytic markers and venous thromboembolism.. J Clin Epidemiol. 2003-06; 56(6): 598-603 . PMID: 12873656; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 800 |
752 | Aleksic, N, Wu, KK. Prospective study of the A455V polymorphism in the thrombomodulin gene, plasma thrombomodulin, and incidence of venous thromboembolism: the LITE Study.. J Thromb Haemost. 2003-01; 1(1): 88-94 . PMID: 12871544; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 752 |
762 | de, Moraes, Knopman, D. Cognitive functioning as a predictor of ischemic stroke incidence.. Epidemiology. 2003-11; 14(6): 673-9 . PMID: 14569182; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 762 |
891 | Mehta, SH, Thomas, DL. Hepatitis C virus infection and incident type 2 diabetes.. Hepatology. 2003-07; 38(1): 50-6 . PMID: 12829986; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 891 |
890 | Wang, L, Eckfeldt, JH. Plasma fatty acid composition and incidence of coronary heart disease in middle aged adults: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2003-10; 13(5): 256-66 . PMID: 14717057; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 890 |
883 | Carnethon, MR, Liao, D. Prospective investigation of autonomic nervous system function and the development of type 2 diabetes: the Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities study, 1987-1998.. Circulation. 2003-04-14; 107(17): 2190-5 . PMID: 12695289; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 883 |
857 | Folsom, AR, Chambless, LE. B vitamin status and inflammatory markers.. Atherosclerosis. 2003-07; 169(1): 169-74 . PMID: 12860264; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 857 |
827 | Elter, JR, Beck, JD. Relationship of periodontal disease and edentulism to stroke/TIA.. J Dent Res. 2003-12; 82(12): 998-1001 . PMID: 14630902; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 827 |
808 | Schmidt, MI, ARIC, Investigators. Detection of undiagnosed diabetes and other hyperglycemia states: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Diabetes Care. 2003-05; 26(5): 1338-43 . PMID: 12716785; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 808 |
786 | Carnethon, MR, Chambless, LE. Risk factors for progression to incident hyperinsulinemia: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, 1987-1998.. Am J Epidemiol. 2003-12-1; 158(11): 1058-67 . PMID: 14630601; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 786 |
763 | Tsai, AW, Folsom, AR. Serum homocysteine, thermolabile variant of methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), and venous thromboembolism: Longitudinal Investigation of Thromboembolism Etiology (LITE).. Am J Hematol. 2003-03; 72(3): 192-200 . PMID: 12605391; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 763 |
757 | Pavlik, VN, Hyman, DJ. Relation between cognitive function and mortality in middle-aged adults: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Am J Epidemiol. 2003-02-15; 157(4): 327-34 . PMID: 12578803; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 757 |
754 | Carnethon, MR, Heiss, G. Prospective association between hormone replacement therapy, heart rate, and heart rate variability. The Atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. J Clin Epidemiol. 2003-06; 56(6): 565-71 . PMID: 12873652; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 754 |
750 | Steffen, LM, Folsom, AR. Associations of whole-grain, refined-grain, and fruit and vegetable consumption with risks of all-cause mortality and incident coronary artery disease and ischemic stroke: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Am J Clin Nutr. 2003-09; 78(3): 383-90 . PMID: 12936919; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 750 |
747 | Wu, KK, Boerwinkle, E. Interaction between soluble thrombomodulin and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in predicting risk of coronary heart disease.. Circulation. 2003-03-31; 107(13): 1729-32 . PMID: 12668515; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 747 |
706 | Miller, EA, Li, R. Glutathione-S-transferase genotypes, smoking, and their association with markers of inflammation, hemostasis, and endothelial function: the atherosclerosis risk in communities (ARIC) study.. Atherosclerosis. 2003-12; 171(2): 265-72 . PMID: 14644396; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 706 |
680 | Ding, J, Tyroler, HA. Racial disparity in long-term mortality rate after hospitalization for myocardial infarction: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study.. Am Heart J. 2003-09; 146(3): 459-64 . PMID: 12947363; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 680 |
669 | Schroeder, EB, Heiss, G. Hypertension, blood pressure, and heart rate variability: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. Hypertension. 2003-10-27; 42(6): 1106-11 . PMID: 14581296; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 669 |
611 | Chambless, LE, Nieto, FJ. Coronary heart disease risk prediction in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. J Clin Epidemiol. 2003-09; 56(9): 880-90 . PMID: 14505774; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 611 |
502 | Olshan, AF, Bell, DA. Risk of atherosclerosis: interaction of smoking and glutathione S-transferase genes.. Epidemiology. 2003-05; 14(3): 321-7 . PMID: 12859033; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 502 |
492 | Slade, GD, Offenbacher, S. Relationship between periodontal disease and C-reactive protein among adults in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study.. Arch Intern Med. 2003-05-26; 163(10): 1172-9 . PMID: 12767953; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 492 |
482 | Crow, RS, Folsom, AR. Prognostic significance of corrected QT and corrected JT interval for incident coronary heart disease in a general population sample stratified by presence or absence of wide QRS complex: the ARIC Study with 13 years of follow-up.. Circulation. 2003-09-29; 108(16): 1985-9 . PMID: 14517173; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 482 |
465 | Afshar-Kharghan, V, López, JA. The variable number of tandem repeat polymorphism of platelet glycoprotein Ibalpha and risk of coronary heart disease.. Blood. 2003-10-30; 103(3): 963-5 . PMID: 14592833; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 465 |
433 | Schroeder, EB, Heiss, G. Lung function and incident coronary heart disease: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Am J Epidemiol. 2003-12-15; 158(12): 1171-81 . PMID: 14652302; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 433 |
417 | Wang, L, ARIC, Study. Plasma fatty acid composition and incidence of diabetes in middle-aged adults: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Am J Clin Nutr. 2003-07; 78(1): 91-8 . PMID: 12816776; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 417 |