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Over 3,000 articles have been published with the help of ARIC research.

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Displaying 2901 - 3000 of 3159

Publication Year: 2001
MS # Publication
0500A Hunt, KJ, Heiss, G. Acoustic shadowing on B-mode ultrasound of the carotid artery predicts ischemic stroke: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. Stroke. 2001-05; 32(5): 1120-6 . PMID: 11340220; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0500A
Publication Year: 2000
MS # Publication
525 Moriarity, JT, Rosamond, WD. Serum uric acid and risk of coronary heart disease: Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Ann Epidemiol. 2000-04; 10(3): 136-43 . PMID: 10813506; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 525
436 Aleksic, N, Wu, KK. Platelet Pl(A2) allele and incidence of coronary heart disease: results from the Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities (ARIC) Study.. Circulation. 2000-10-17; 102(16): 1901-5 . PMID: 11034936; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 436
679 Larson, N, Boerwinkle, E. Lack of association of 3 functional gene variants with hypertension in African Americans.. Hypertension. 2000-06; 35(6): 1297-300 . PMID: 10856280; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 679
89 Szklo, M, Wijnberg, L. Trends in plasma cholesterol levels in the atherosclerosis risk in communities (ARIC) study.. Prev Med. 2000-03; 30(3): 252-9 . PMID: 10684749; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 89
695 Morrison, AC, Boerwinkle, E. Parental history of stroke predicts subclinical but not clinical stroke: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Stroke. 2000-09; 31(9): 2098-102 . PMID: 10978036; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 695
655 Rose, KM, Heiss, G. Skip patterns in DINAMAP-measured blood pressure in 3 epidemiological studies.. Hypertension. 2000-05; 35(5): 1032-6 . PMID: 10818059; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 655
628 Saito, I, Yamashita, T. Comparison of fatal coronary heart disease occurrence based on population surveys in Japan and the USA.. Int J Epidemiol. 2000-10; 29(5): 837-44 . PMID: 11034966; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 628
607 Saito, I, McGovern, PG. Nontraditional risk factors for coronary heart disease incidence among persons with diabetes: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Ann Intern Med. 2000-07-18; 133(2): 81-91 . PMID: 10896647; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 607
601 Li, R, Heiss, G. Glutathione S-transferase genotype as a susceptibility factor in smoking-related coronary heart disease.. Atherosclerosis. 2000-04; 149(2): 451-62 . PMID: 10729397; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 601
551 Vollmer, WM, Weinmann, GG. Race and gender differences in the effects of smoking on lung function.. Chest. 2000-03; 117(3): 764-72 . PMID: 10713004; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 551
518 Gress, TW, Brancati, FL. Hypertension and antihypertensive therapy as risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. N Engl J Med. 2000-03-30; 342(13): 905-12 . PMID: 10738048; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 518
509 Din-Dzietham, R, Tyroler, HA. Association of educational achievement with pulsatile arterial diameter change of the common carotid artery: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study, 1987-1992.. Am J Epidemiol. 2000-10-1; 152(7): 617-27 . PMID: 11032156; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 509
508 Williams, JE, Tyroler, HA. Anger proneness predicts coronary heart disease risk: prospective analysis from the atherosclerosis risk in communities (ARIC) study.. Circulation. 2000-05-2; 101(17): 2034-9 . PMID: 10790343; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 508
507 Eigenbrodt, ML, Jones, D. Orthostatic hypotension as a risk factor for stroke: the atherosclerosis risk in communities (ARIC) study, 1987-1996.. Stroke. 2000-10; 31(10): 2307-13 . PMID: 11022055; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 507
501 Nieto, FJ, Cutler, RG. Uric acid and serum antioxidant capacity: a reaction to atherosclerosis?. Atherosclerosis. 2000-01; 148(1): 131-9 . PMID: 10580179; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 501
498 Folsom, AR, Nieto, FJ. Determinants of population changes in fibrinogen and factor VII over 6 years: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2000-02; 20(2): 601-6 . PMID: 10669661; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 498
493 Peacock, JM, Szklo, M. Dietary antioxidant intake and cognitive performance in middle-aged adults. The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study investigators.. Public Health Nutr. 2000-09; 3(3): 337-43 . PMID: 10980106; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 493
487 Eigenbrodt, ML, Couper, DJ. Health-associated changes in drinking: a period prevalence study of the Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities (ARIC) cohort (1987-1995).. Prev Med. 2000-07; 31(1): 81-9 . PMID: 10896847; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 487
443 Chambless, LE, Evans, G. Carotid wall thickness is predictive of incident clinical stroke: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. Am J Epidemiol. 2000-03-1; 151(5): 478-87 . PMID: 10707916; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 443
440 Goff, DC, Chambless, LE. Trends in severity of hospitalized myocardial infarction: the atherosclerosis risk in communities (ARIC) study, 1987-1994.. Am Heart J. 2000-05; 139(5): 874-80 . PMID: 10783222; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 440
428 Luoto, R, Ephross, S. Blood pressure and menopausal transition: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study (1987-95).. J Hypertens. 2000-01; 18(1): 27-33 . PMID: 10678540; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 428
375 Sorlie, PD, Massing, M. A prospective study of cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus 1, and coronary heart disease: the atherosclerosis risk in communities (ARIC) study.. Arch Intern Med. 2000-07-10; 160(13): 2027-32 . PMID: 10888976; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 375
364 Li, R, Tyroler, HA. Family risk score of coronary heart disease (CHD) as a predictor of CHD: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study and the NHLBI family heart study.. Genet Epidemiol. 2000-03; 18(3): 236-50 . PMID: 10723108; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 364
337 Klein, R, Evans, G. Are retinal arteriolar abnormalities related to atherosclerosis?: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2000-06; 20(6): 1644-50 . PMID: 10845884; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 337
322 Pereira, MA, Rao, DC. The Family Risk Score for coronary heart disease: associations with lipids, lipoproteins, and body habitus in a middle-aged bi-racial cohort: The ARIC study.. Ann Epidemiol. 2000-05; 10(4): 239-45 . PMID: 10917717; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 322
301 Dekker, JM, Schouten, EG. Low heart rate variability in a 2-minute rhythm strip predicts risk of coronary heart disease and mortality from several causes: the ARIC Study. Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities.. Circulation. 2000-09-12; 102(11): 1239-44 . PMID: 10982537; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 301
298 Kors, JA, Folsom, AR. Comparison of computer-assigned Minnesota Codes with the visual standard method for new coronary heart disease events.. Am J Epidemiol. 2000-04-15; 151(8): 790-7 . PMID: 10965976; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 298
289 Harris, MM, Folsom, AR. Associations of fat distribution and obesity with hypertension in a bi-ethnic population: the ARIC study. Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Obes Res. 2000-10; 8(7): 516-24 . PMID: 11068957; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 289
223 Muntner, P, Klag, MJ. Plasma lipids and risk of developing renal dysfunction: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Kidney Int. 2000-07; 58(1): 293-301 . PMID: 10886574; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 223
187 Duncan, BB, Heiss, G. Fibrinogen, other putative markers of inflammation, and weight gain in middle-aged adults--the ARIC study. Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities.. Obes Res. 2000-07; 8(4): 279-86 . PMID: 10933303; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 187
181 Metcalf, PA, Heiss, G. Haemostasis and carotid artery wall thickness in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2000-01; 47(1): 25-35 . PMID: 10660218; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 181
167 Brancati, FL, Szklo, M. Incident type 2 diabetes mellitus in African American and white adults: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. JAMA. 2000-05-3; 283(17): 2253-9 . PMID: 10807384; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 167
150 Rywik, SL, Hutchinson, R. Incidence and correlates of hypertension in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study and the Monitoring Trends and Determinants of Cardiovascular Disease (POL-MONICA) project.. J Hypertens. 2000-08; 18(8): 999-1006 . PMID: 10953989; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 150
0593S. Nieto, FJ, Pickering, TG. Association of sleep-disordered breathing, sleep apnea, and hypertension in a large community-based study. Sleep Heart Health Study.. JAMA. 2000-04-12; 283(14): 1829-36 . PMID: 10770144; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0593S.
0556S. Gottlieb, DJ, Mahowald, MW. Does snoring predict sleepiness independently of apnea and hypopnea frequency?. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2000-10; 162(4 Pt 1): 1512-7 . PMID: 11029370; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0556S.
0361A. Rose, KM, Szklo, M. Orthostatic hypotension and the incidence of coronary heart disease: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study.. Am J Hypertens. 2000-06; 13(6 Pt 1): 571-8 . PMID: 10912737; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0361A.
0357A. Shuldiner, AR, Brancati, FL. Pro115Gln peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma and obesity.. Diabetes Care. 2000-01; 23(1): 126-7 . PMID: 10857984; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0357A.
0172A Nelson, JJ, Heiss, G. Serum albumin level as a predictor of incident coronary heart disease: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. Am J Epidemiol. 2000-03-1; 151(5): 468-77 . PMID: 10707915; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0172A
0003D. Arnett, DK, Heiss, G. Hypertension and arterial stiffness: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. ARIC Investigators.. Am J Hypertens. 2000-04; 13(4 Pt 1): 317-23 . PMID: 10821330; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0003D.
Publication Year: 1999
MS # Publication
536 Morrison, AC, Boerwinkle, E. Beta3-adrenergic receptor Trp64Arg polymorphism does not predict incident CHD or carotid intima-media thickness in a community-based sample of whites: the ARIC study. Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities.. Hum Genet. 1999-10; 105(4): 314-9 . PMID: 10543398; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 536
357 A Lei, HH, Brancati, FL. Variants of the insulin receptor substrate-1 and fatty acid binding protein 2 genes and the risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, and hyperinsulinemia in African-Americans: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Diabetes. 1999-09; 48(9): 1868-72 . PMID: 10480621; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 357
276 Rosamond, W, Chambless, L. Comparison of medical care and survival of hospitalized patients with acute myocardial infarction in Poland and the United States.. Am J Cardiol. 1999-04-15; 83(8): 1180-5 . PMID: 10215280; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 276
77 Arnett, DK, Riley, W. Variability in ultrasonic measurements of arterial stiffness in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study.. Ultrasound Med Biol. 1999-02; 25(2): 175-80 . PMID: 10320306; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 77
0338B Rosamond, WD, Folsom, AR. Survival trends, coronary event rates, and the MONICA project. Monitoring trends and determinants in cardiovascular disease.. Lancet. 1999-09-4; 354(9181): 864-5 . PMID: 10485748; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0338B
683 Wofford, MR, Jones, DW. Obesity Hypertension in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Cohort: Implications of Obesity Guidelines.. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 1999-07; 1(1): 27-32 . PMID: 11416590; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 683
539 Schmidt, MI, Heiss, G. Markers of inflammation and prediction of diabetes mellitus in adults (Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study): a cohort study.. Lancet. 1999-05-15; 353(9165): 1649-52 . PMID: 10335783; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 539
512 Liao, D, Heiss, G. Arterial stiffness and the development of hypertension. The ARIC study.. Hypertension. 1999-08; 34(2): 201-6 . PMID: 10454441; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 512
506 Folsom, AR, Folsom, AR. "New" risk factors for atherosclerotic diseases.. Exp Gerontol. 1999-07; 34(4): 483-90 . PMID: 11012298; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 506
483 Peacock, JM, Szklo, M. Association of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin with cognitive performance in middle-aged adults.. Neuroepidemiology. 1999-; 18(3): 134-43 . PMID: 10438276; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 483
477 Williams, JE, Tyroler, HA. Racial disparities in CHD mortality from 1968-1992 in the state economic areas surrounding the ARIC study communities. Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities.. Ann Epidemiol. 1999-11; 9(8): 472-80 . PMID: 10549880; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 477
446 Folsom, AR, Wu, KK. Prospective study of markers of hemostatic function with risk of ischemic stroke. The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study Investigators.. Circulation. 1999-08-17; 100(7): 736-42 . PMID: 10449696; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 446
445 Folsom, AR, Heiss, G. Prospective associations of fasting insulin, body fat distribution, and diabetes with risk of ischemic stroke. The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study Investigators.. Diabetes Care. 1999-07; 22(7): 1077-83 . PMID: 10388971; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 445
442 Rosamond, WD, Shahar, E. Stroke incidence and survival among middle-aged adults: 9-year follow-up of the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) cohort.. Stroke. 1999-04; 30(4): 736-43 . PMID: 10187871; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 442
439 Nieto, FJ, Chambless, LE. Chlamydia pneumoniae infection and incident coronary heart disease: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Am J Epidemiol. 1999-07-15; 150(2): 149-56 . PMID: 10412959; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 439
424 Peacock, JM, Szklo, M. Relationship of serum and dietary magnesium to incident hypertension: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Ann Epidemiol. 1999-04; 9(3): 159-65 . PMID: 10192647; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 424
422 Pereira, MA, Hutchinson, RG. Physical activity and incident hypertension in black and white adults: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Prev Med. 1999-03; 28(3): 304-12 . PMID: 10072750; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 422
416 Zheng, ZJ, Eckfeldt, JH. Plasma fatty acid composition and 6-year incidence of hypertension in middle-aged adults: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Am J Epidemiol. 1999-09-1; 150(5): 492-500 . PMID: 10472949; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 416
407 Nieto, FJ, Sharrett, AR. Short- and long-term prediction of clinical and subclinical atherosclerosis by traditional risk factors.. J Clin Epidemiol. 1999-06; 52(6): 559-67 . PMID: 10408996; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 407
406 Kao, WH, Brancati, FL. Serum and dietary magnesium and the risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Arch Intern Med. 1999-10-11; 159(18): 2151-9 . PMID: 10527292; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 406
398 Diez-Roux, AV, Szklo, M. Neighbourhood differences in diet: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. J Epidemiol Community Health. 1999-01; 53(1): 55-63 . PMID: 10326055; PMCID: PMC1756776.Pubmed : MS# 398
396 Liao, D, Heiss, G. Lower pulmonary function and cerebral subclinical abnormalities detected by MRI: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study.. Chest. 1999-07; 116(1): 150-6 . PMID: 10424519; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 396
366 Lindberg, G, Burke, GL. Serum sialic acid and sialoglycoproteins in asymptomatic carotid artery atherosclerosis. ARIC Investigators. Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities.. Atherosclerosis. 1999-09; 146(1): 65-9 . PMID: 10487488; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 366
365 Rose, KM, Srivastava, N. Women, employment status, and hypertension: cross-sectional and prospective findings from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Ann Epidemiol. 1999-08; 9(6): 374-82 . PMID: 10475537; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 365
339 Sharrett, AR, Klein, R. Retinal arteriolar diameters and elevated blood pressure: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Am J Epidemiol. 1999-08-1; 150(3): 263-70 . PMID: 10430230; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 339
335 Hubbard, LD, Cai, J. Methods for evaluation of retinal microvascular abnormalities associated with hypertension/sclerosis in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Ophthalmology. 1999-12; 106(12): 2269-80 . PMID: 10599656; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 335
332 Evenson, KR, Folsom, AR. Physical activity and ischemic stroke risk. The atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Stroke. 1999-07; 30(7): 1333-9 . PMID: 10390304; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 332
331 Klein, R, Folsom, AR. Prevalence of age-related maculopathy in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Arch Ophthalmol. 1999-09; 117(9): 1203-10 . PMID: 10496392; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 331
290 Carpenter, MA, Heiss, G. Demographic and anthropometric correlates of maximum inspiratory pressure: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1999-02; 159(2): 415-22 . PMID: 9927352; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 290
279 Shahar, E, Eckfeldt, JH. Docosahexaenoic acid and smoking-related chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study Investigators.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1999-06; 159(6): 1780-5 . PMID: 10351918; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 279
278 Sharrett, AR, Szklo, M. Relative importance of various risk factors for asymptomatic carotid atherosclerosis versus coronary heart disease incidence: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Am J Epidemiol. 1999-05-1; 149(9): 843-52 . PMID: 10221321; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 278
273 Bensen, JT, Tyroler, HA. Family history of coronary heart disease and pre-clinical carotid artery atherosclerosis in African-Americans and whites: the ARIC study: Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities.. Genet Epidemiol. 1999-; 16(2): 165-78 . PMID: 10030399; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 273
235 Sorlie, PD, Hutchinson, R. The relationship between lipids/lipoproteins and atherosclerosis in African Americans and whites: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Ann Epidemiol. 1999-04; 9(3): 149-58 . PMID: 10192646; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 235
230 Krop, JS, Brancati, FL. A community-based study of explanatory factors for the excess risk for early renal function decline in blacks vs whites with diabetes: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study.. Arch Intern Med. 1999-08-9-23; 159(15): 1777-83 . PMID: 10448782; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 230
123 White, AD, Folsom, AR. Sex and race differences in short-term prognosis after acute coronary heart disease events: the Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities (ARIC) study.. Am Heart J. 1999-09; 138(3 Pt 1): 540-8 . PMID: 10467206; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 123
121 Dobs, AS, Ko, WJ. Risk factors for popliteal and carotid wall thicknesses in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Am J Epidemiol. 1999-11-15; 150(10): 1055-67 . PMID: 10568620; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 121
0543C. Salomaa, V, Wu, KK. Soluble thrombomodulin as predictor of incident coronary heart disease.. Lancet. 1999-11-6; 354(9190): 1646-7 . PMID: 10560702; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0543C.
0543A. Salomaa, V, Wu, KK. Soluble thrombomodulin as a predictor of incident coronary heart disease and symptomless carotid artery atherosclerosis in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study: a case-cohort study.. Lancet. 1999-05-22; 353(9166): 1729-34 . PMID: 10347984; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0543A.
0539A. Duncan, BB, Heiss, G. Factor VIII and other hemostasis variables are related to incident diabetes in adults. The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Diabetes Care. 1999-05; 22(5): 767-72 . PMID: 10332679; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0539A.
0503A. Beck, JD, Offenbacher, S. Dental infections and atherosclerosis.. Am Heart J. 1999-11; 138(5 Pt 2): S528-33 . PMID: 10539866; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0503A.
0338A. Gornel, DL, Gornel, DL. Rates of death from coronary heart disease.. N Engl J Med. 1999-03-4; 340(9): 730; author reply 731-2 . PMID: 10068326; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0338A.
0311B. Nieto, FJ, Sorlie, PD. Cytomegalovirus infection and coronary heart disease.. Circulation. 1999-12-21; 100(25): e139 . PMID: 10604906; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0311B.
0307A. Bryan, RN, Cooper, L. Prevalence and anatomic characteristics of infarct-like lesions on MR images of middle-aged adults: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1999-08; 20(7): 1273-80 . PMID: 10472985; PMCID: PMC7055978.Pubmed : MS# 0307A.
0274C. Liese, AD, Heiss, G. Elevated fasting insulin predicts incident hypertension: the ARIC study. Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study Investigators.. J Hypertens. 1999-08; 17(8): 1169-77 . PMID: 10466473; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0274C.
0270A. Nardo, CJ, Heiss, G. Descriptive epidemiology of blood pressure response to change in body position. The ARIC study.. Hypertension. 1999-05; 33(5): 1123-9 . PMID: 10334798; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0270A.
Publication Year: 1998
MS # Publication
140 Rywik, SL, Williams, OD. Poland and U.S. collaborative study on cardiovascular epidemiology hypertension in the community: prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension in the Pol-MONICA Project and the U.S. Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Ann Epidemiol. 1998-01; 8(1): 3-13 . PMID: 9465988; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 140
517 Rautaharju, PM, Crow, R. A standardized procedure for locating and documenting ECG chest electrode positions: consideration of the effect of breast tissue on ECG amplitudes in women.. J Electrocardiol. 1998-01; 31(1): 17-29 . PMID: 9533374; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 517
453 Folsom, AR, Graham, DY. Helicobacter pylori seropositivity and coronary heart disease incidence. Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities (ARIC) Study Investigators.. Circulation. 1998-09-1; 98(9): 845-50 . PMID: 9738638; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 453
438 Liao, F, Brancati, FL. Is low magnesium concentration a risk factor for coronary heart disease? The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Am Heart J. 1998-09; 136(3): 480-90 . PMID: 9736141; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 438
425 Folsom, AR, Wu, KK. Plasma fibrinogen and incident hypertension in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. J Hypertens. 1998-11; 16(11): 1579-83 . PMID: 9856357; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 425
389 Folsom, AR, Davis, CE. Prospective study of coronary heart disease incidence in relation to fasting total homocysteine, related genetic polymorphisms, and B vitamins: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. Circulation. 1998-07-21; 98(3): 204-10 . PMID: 9697819; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 389
376 Liao, D, Sharrett, AR. Multiple metabolic syndrome is associated with lower heart rate variability. The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Diabetes Care. 1998-12; 21(12): 2116-22 . PMID: 9839103; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 376
369 Howard, G, Toole, JF. Cigarette smoking and other risk factors for silent cerebral infarction in the general population.. Stroke. 1998-05; 29(5): 913-7 . PMID: 9596234; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 369
354 Folsom, AR, Wagenknecht, LE. Is fasting insulin concentration inversely associated with rate of weight gain? Contrasting findings from the CARDIA and ARIC study cohorts.. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1998-01; 22(1): 48-54 . PMID: 9481599; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 354
352 Arnett, DK, Higgins, M. Angiotensinogen and angiotensin converting enzyme genotypes and carotid atherosclerosis: the atherosclerosis risk in communities and the NHLBI family heart studies.. Atherosclerosis. 1998-05; 138(1): 111-6 . PMID: 9678776; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 352
338 Rosamond, WD, Heiss, G. Trends in the incidence of myocardial infarction and in mortality due to coronary heart disease, 1987 to 1994.. N Engl J Med. 1998-09-24; 339(13): 861-7 . PMID: 9744969; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 338
315 Stevens, J, Chambless, LE. Body weight change and carotid artery wall thickness. The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Am J Epidemiol. 1998-03-15; 147(6): 563-73 . PMID: 9521183; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 315
305 Howard, G, Tell, GS. Cigarette smoking and progression of atherosclerosis: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. JAMA. 1998-01-14; 279(2): 119-24 . PMID: 9440661; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 305
30 Metcalf, PA, Tyroler, HA. African American-white differences in lipids, lipoproteins, and apolipoproteins, by educational attainment, among middle-aged adults: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Am J Epidemiol. 1998-10-15; 148(8): 750-60 . PMID: 9786230; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 30
257 Ghaddar, HM, Wu, KK. Correlation of factor VIIa values with factor VII gene polymorphism, fasting and postprandial triglyceride levels, and subclinical carotid atherosclerosis.. Circulation. 1998-12-22-29; 98(25): 2815-21 . PMID: 9860781; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 257