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Published Manuscripts

Over 3,000 articles have been published with the help of ARIC research.

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Displaying 2801 - 2900 of 3159

Publication Year: 2003
MS # Publication
404 Ding, J, Nieto, FJ. Alcohol intake and cerebral abnormalities on magnetic resonance imaging in a community-based population of middle-aged adults: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. Stroke. 2003-12-4; 35(1): 16-21 . PMID: 14657449; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 404
344 Arnett, DK, Hutchinson, RG. Comparison of m-mode echocardiographic left ventricular mass measured using digital and strip chart readings: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. Cardiovasc Ultrasound. 2003-06-27; 1(): 8 . PMID: 12857352; PMCID: PMC198281.Pubmed : MS# 344
0767S. Resnick, HE, Sleep, Heart. Diabetes and sleep disturbances: findings from the Sleep Heart Health Study.. Diabetes Care. 2003-03; 26(3): 702-9 . PMID: 12610025; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0767S.
0754B. Carnethon, MR, Heiss, G. A prospective evaluation of the risk of QT prolongation with hormone replacement therapy: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Ann Epidemiol. 2003-08; 13(7): 530-6 . PMID: 12932629; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0754B.
0505A. Juhaeri, Cai, J. Associations of weight loss and changes in fat distribution with the remission of hypertension in a bi-ethnic cohort: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Prev Med. 2003-03; 36(3): 330-9 . PMID: 12634024; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0505A.
0494S. Shahar, E, Robbins, JA. Hormone replacement therapy and sleep-disordered breathing.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2003-01-16; 167(9): 1186-92 . PMID: 12531779; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0494S.
0333A. Evenson, KR, Ainsworth, BE. Occupational physical activity in the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Ann Epidemiol. 2003-05; 13(5): 351-7 . PMID: 12821274; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0333A.
0243B. Chambless, LE, Davis, V. Analysis of associations with change in a multivariate outcome variable when baseline is subject to measurement error.. Stat Med. 2003-04-15; 22(7): 1041-67 . PMID: 12652553; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0243B.
896 Wong, TY, Sharrett, AR. Racial differences in the prevalence of hypertensive retinopathy.. Hypertension. 2003-03-24; 41(5): 1086-91 . PMID: 12654714; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 896
Publication Year: 2002
MS # Publication
530 Luoto, R, Arnett, D. Pulse pressure and age at menopause.. BMC Womens Health. 2002-06-28; 2(1): 6 . PMID: 12088509; PMCID: PMC117223.Pubmed : MS# 530
526 Morland, K, Diez, Roux. The contextual effect of the local food environment on residents' diets: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Am J Public Health. 2002-11; 92(11): 1761-7 . PMID: 12406805; PMCID: PMC1447325.Pubmed : MS# 526
737 Stevens, J, Couper, D. Dietary fiber intake and glycemic index and incidence of diabetes in African-American and white adults: the ARIC study.. Diabetes Care. 2002-10; 25(10): 1715-21 . PMID: 12351467; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 737
505 Juhaeri, Arnett, D. Associations between weight gain and incident hypertension in a bi-ethnic cohort: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2002-01; 26(1): 58-64 . PMID: 11791147; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 505
675 Boland, LL, Atherosclerosis, Risk. Hyperinsulinemia, dyslipidemia, and obesity as risk factors for hospitalized gallbladder disease. A prospective study.. Ann Epidemiol. 2002-02; 12(2): 131-40 . PMID: 11880221; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 675
635 Golden, SH, Brancati, F. Risk factor groupings related to insulin resistance and their synergistic effects on subclinical atherosclerosis: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Diabetes. 2002-10; 51(10): 3069-76 . PMID: 12351449; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 635
0357D. Garant, MJ, Atherosclerosis, Risk. SNP43 of CAPN10 and the risk of type 2 Diabetes in African-Americans: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Diabetes. 2002-01; 51(1): 231-7 . PMID: 11756346; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0357D.
0333C. Evenson, KR, Atherosclerosis, Risk. Influence of retirement on leisure-time physical activity: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Am J Epidemiol. 2002-04-15; 155(8): 692-9 . PMID: 11943686; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0333C.
793 Folsom, AR, Aleksic, N. Prospective study of the G20210A polymorphism in the prothrombin gene, plasma prothrombin concentration, and incidence of venous thromboembolism.. Am J Hematol. 2002-12; 71(4): 285-90 . PMID: 12447958; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 793
734 Alves, de, Sato, R. The relationship between temporal changes in blood pressure and changes in cognitive function: atherosclerosis risk in communities (ARIC) study.. Prev Med. 2002-09; 35(3): 258-63 . PMID: 12202068; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 734
466 Aleksic, N, Wu, KK. Factor XIIIA Val34Leu polymorphism does not predict risk of coronary heart disease: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2002-02-1; 22(2): 348-52 . PMID: 11834540; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 466
456 Diez, Roux, Sorlie, P. Socioeconomic disadvantage and change in blood pressure associated with aging.. Circulation. 2002-08-6; 106(6): 703-10 . PMID: 12163431; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 456
884 Boland, LL, Sleep, Heart. Measures of cognitive function in persons with varying degrees of sleep-disordered breathing: the Sleep Heart Health Study.. J Sleep Res. 2002-09; 11(3): 265-72 . PMID: 12220323; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 884
823 Cushman, M, Heckbert, SR. Fibrin fragment D-dimer and the risk of future venous thrombosis.. Blood. 2002-09-26; 101(4): 1243-8 . PMID: 12393393; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 823
791 Runchey, SS, McGovern, PD. Anticardiolipin antibodies as a risk factor for venous thromboembolism in a population-based prospective study.. Br J Haematol. 2002-12; 119(4): 1005-10 . PMID: 12472581; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 791
788 Adeniyi, A, Taylor, H. Incidence and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in African Americans with diabetes: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. J Natl Med Assoc. 2002-12; 94(12): 1025-35 . PMID: 12510702; PMCID: PMC2568397.Pubmed : MS# 788
784 Carnethon, MR, Fortmann, SP. Serum insulin, obesity, and the incidence of type 2 diabetes in black and white adults: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study: 1987-1998.. Diabetes Care. 2002-08; 25(8): 1358-64 . PMID: 12145235; PMCID: PMC3132185.Pubmed : MS# 784
783 Folsom, AR, White, RH. Protein C, antithrombin, and venous thromboembolism incidence: a prospective population-based study.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2002-06-1; 22(6): 1018-22 . PMID: 12067914; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 783
771 Wong, TY, Sharrett, AR. Is early age-related maculopathy related to cognitive function? The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Am J Ophthalmol. 2002-12; 134(6): 828-35 . PMID: 12470750; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 771
765 Wong, TY, ARIC, Investigators. Retinal arteriolar narrowing and risk of diabetes mellitus in middle-aged persons.. JAMA. 2002-05-15; 287(19): 2528-33 . PMID: 12020333; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 765
764 Tsai, AW, Folsom, AR. Coagulation factors, inflammation markers, and venous thromboembolism: the longitudinal investigation of thromboembolism etiology (LITE).. Am J Med. 2002-12-1; 113(8): 636-42 . PMID: 12505113; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 764
753 Wong, TY, ARIC, Investigators. Cerebral white matter lesions, retinopathy, and incident clinical stroke.. JAMA. 2002-07-3; 288(1): 67-74 . PMID: 12090864; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 753
749 Stevens, J, Jones, DW. The effect of decision rules on the choice of a body mass index cutoff for obesity: examples from African American and white women.. Am J Clin Nutr. 2002-06; 75(6): 986-92 . PMID: 12036803; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 749
748 Golden, SH, Szklo, M. Endogenous postmenopausal hormones and carotid atherosclerosis: a case-control study of the atherosclerosis risk in communities cohort.. Am J Epidemiol. 2002-03-1; 155(5): 437-45 . PMID: 11867355; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 748
740 Folsom, AR, Rosamond, WD. A prospective study of venous thromboembolism in relation to factor V Leiden and related factors.. Blood. 2002-04-15; 99(8): 2720-5 . PMID: 11929758; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 740
738 Wong, TY, Szklo, M. Retinal microvascular abnormalities and cognitive impairment in middle-aged persons: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Stroke. 2002-06; 33(6): 1487-92 . PMID: 12052979; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 738
735 Wong, TY, Hubbard, LD. Retinal arteriolar narrowing and risk of coronary heart disease in men and women. The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. JAMA. 2002-03-6; 287(9): 1153-9 . PMID: 11879113; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 735
732 Morrison, AC, Boerwinkle, E. LPL polymorphism predicts stroke risk in men.. Genet Epidemiol. 2002-03; 22(3): 233-42 . PMID: 11921083; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 732
712 Rathore, SS, Rosamond, WD. Characterization of incident stroke signs and symptoms: findings from the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Stroke. 2002-11; 33(11): 2718-21 . PMID: 12411667; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 712
708 Tsai, AW, Folsom, AR. Cardiovascular risk factors and venous thromboembolism incidence: the longitudinal investigation of thromboembolism etiology.. Arch Intern Med. 2002-05-27; 162(10): 1182-9 . PMID: 12020191; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 708
705 Klein, R, ARIC, Group. The association of atherosclerosis, vascular risk factors, and retinopathy in adults with diabetes : the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Ophthalmology. 2002-07; 109(7): 1225-34 . PMID: 12093643; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 705
703 Tilling, K, Szklo, M. Estimating the effect of cardiovascular risk factors on all-cause mortality and incidence of coronary heart disease using G-estimation: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Am J Epidemiol. 2002-04-15; 155(8): 710-8 . PMID: 11943688; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 703
696 Blumenthal, JB, Walston, JD. Novel neuropeptide Y1 and Y5 receptor gene variants: associations with serum triglyceride and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels.. Clin Genet. 2002-09; 62(3): 196-202 . PMID: 12220433; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 696
666 Williams, JE, Tyroler, HA. The association between trait anger and incident stroke risk: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Stroke. 2002-01; 33(1): 13-9 . PMID: 11779882; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 666
663 Jones, DW, Taylor, HA. Risk factors for coronary heart disease in African Americans: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study, 1987-1997.. Arch Intern Med. 2002-12-9-23; 162(22): 2565-71 . PMID: 12456228; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 663
651 Cakir, B, Weston, BW. Distribution of Lewis (FUT3)genotype and allele: frequencies in a biethnic United States population.. Ann Hematol. 2002-10-11; 81(10): 558-65 . PMID: 12424536; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 651
622 Morrison, AC, Boerwinkle, E. ADD1 460W allele associated with cardiovascular disease in hypertensive individuals.. Hypertension. 2002-06; 39(6): 1053-7 . PMID: 12052841; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 622
606 Folsom, AR, Wu, KK. C-reactive protein and incident coronary heart disease in the Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities (ARIC) study.. Am Heart J. 2002-08; 144(2): 233-8 . PMID: 12177639; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 606
577 Carnethon, MR, Heiss, G. Correlates of the shift in heart rate variability with an active postural change in a healthy population sample: The Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities study.. Am Heart J. 2002-05; 143(5): 808-13 . PMID: 12040341; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 577
569 Mink, PJ, Folsom, AR. Serum insulin and glucose levels and breast cancer incidence: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Am J Epidemiol. 2002-08-15; 156(4): 349-52 . PMID: 12181105; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 569
557 Andrew, ME, Taylor, HA. Ethnicity and unprovoked hypokalemia in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Am J Hypertens. 2002-07; 15(7 Pt 1): 594-9 . PMID: 12118905; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 557
499 Hunt, KJ, Heiss, G. B-mode ultrasound-detected carotid artery lesions with and without acoustic shadowing and their association with markers of inflammation and endothelial activation: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Atherosclerosis. 2002-05; 162(1): 145-55 . PMID: 11947908; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 499
418 Boland, LL, Cooper, LS. Occurrence of unrecognized myocardial infarction in subjects aged 45 to 65 years (the ARIC study).. Am J Cardiol. 2002-11-1; 90(9): 927-31 . PMID: 12398956; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 418
387 Stevens, J, Evans, GW. Impact of body mass index on changes in common carotid artery wall thickness.. Obes Res. 2002-10; 10(10): 1000-7 . PMID: 12376580; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 387
383 Couper, DJ, Nieto, FJ. Reliability of retinal photography in the assessment of retinal microvascular characteristics: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Am J Ophthalmol. 2002-01; 133(1): 78-88 . PMID: 11755842; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 383
270 Rose, KM, Heiss, G. Association between the blood pressure response to a change in posture and the 6-year incidence of hypertension: prospective findings from the ARIC study.. J Hum Hypertens. 2002-11; 16(11): 771-7 . PMID: 12444538; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 270
137 Coady, SA, Heiss, G. Vasectomy, inflammation, atherosclerosis and long-term followup for cardiovascular diseases: no associations in the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. J Urol. 2002-01; 167(1): 204-7 . PMID: 11743306; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 137
0577B. Liao, D, Heiss, G. Lower heart rate variability is associated with the development of coronary heart disease in individuals with diabetes: the atherosclerosis risk in communities (ARIC) study.. Diabetes. 2002-12; 51(12): 3524-31 . PMID: 12453910; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0577B.
0577A. Carnethon, MR, Heiss, G. Does the cardiac autonomic response to postural change predict incident coronary heart disease and mortality? The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Am J Epidemiol. 2002-01-1; 155(1): 48-56 . PMID: 11772784; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0577A.
0526A. Morland, K, Poole, C. Neighborhood characteristics associated with the location of food stores and food service places.. Am J Prev Med. 2002-01; 22(1): 23-9 . PMID: 11777675; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0526A.
0243A. Chambless, LE, Evans, GW. Risk factors for progression of common carotid atherosclerosis: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, 1987-1998.. Am J Epidemiol. 2002-01-1; 155(1): 38-47 . PMID: 11772783; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0243A.
0189A. Simpson, RJ, Heiss, G. Prevalence of premature ventricular contractions in a population of African American and white men and women: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. Am Heart J. 2002-03; 143(3): 535-40 . PMID: 11868062; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0189A.
0173A Schreiner, PJ, Heiss, G. Hyperhomocyst(e)inemia and hemostatic factors: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Ann Epidemiol. 2002-05; 12(4): 228-36 . PMID: 11988410; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0173A
U0344 Beck, JD, Offenbacher, S. Relationships among clinical measures of periodontal disease and their associations with systemic markers.. Ann Periodontol. 2002-12; 7(1): 79-89 . PMID: 16013220; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# U0344
Publication Year: 2001
MS # Publication
0598A. Juhaeri, Arnett, D. Weight change among self-reported dieters and non-dieters in white and African American men and women.. Eur J Epidemiol. 2001-; 17(10): 917-23 . PMID: 12188010; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0598A.
717 Morrison, AC, Atherosclerosis, Risk. G-protein beta3 subunit and alpha-adducin polymorphisms and risk of subclinical and clinical stroke.. Stroke. 2001-04; 32(4): 822-9 . PMID: 11283377; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 717
672 Knopman, D, Atherosclerosis, Risk. Cardiovascular risk factors and cognitive decline in middle-aged adults.. Neurology. 2001-01-9; 56(1): 42-8 . PMID: 11148234; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 672
596 Wu, KK, Atherosclerosis, Risk. Thrombomodulin Ala455Val polymorphism and risk of coronary heart disease.. Circulation. 2001-03-13; 103(10): 1386-9 . PMID: 11245641; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 596
420 Sharrett, AR, Atherosclerosis, Risk. Coronary heart disease prediction from lipoprotein cholesterol levels, triglycerides, lipoprotein(a), apolipoproteins A-I and B, and HDL density subfractions: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Circulation. 2001-09-4; 104(10): 1108-13 . PMID: 11535564; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 420
454 Diez, Roux, Watson, RL. Neighborhood of residence and incidence of coronary heart disease.. N Engl J Med. 2001-07-12; 345(2): 99-106 . PMID: 11450679; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 454
0338C Rosamond, WD, ARIC, Investigators. Coronary heart disease trends in four United States communities. The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study 1987-1996.. Int J Epidemiol. 2001-10; 30 Suppl 1(): S17-22 . PMID: 11759846; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0338C
0500B Hunt, KJ, Heiss, G. Acoustic shadowing on B-mode ultrasound of the carotid artery predicts CHD.. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2001-03; 27(3): 357-65 . PMID: 11369121; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0500B
821 Broze, GJ, Broze, GJ. Protein-Z and thrombosis.. Lancet. 2001-03-24; 357(9260): 900-1 . PMID: 11289341; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 821
761 Folsom, AR, Folsom, AR. Hemostatic risk factors for atherothrombotic disease: an epidemiologic view.. Thromb Haemost. 2001-07; 86(1): 366-73 . PMID: 11487026; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 761
709 Lee, CD, Wolfe, DA. White blood cell count and incidence of coronary heart disease and ischemic stroke and mortality from cardiovascular disease in African-American and White men and women: atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Am J Epidemiol. 2001-10-15; 154(8): 758-64 . PMID: 11590089; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 709
700 de, Moraes, Park, E. Prospective assessment of estrogen replacement therapy and cognitive functioning: atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Am J Epidemiol. 2001-10-15; 154(8): 733-9 . PMID: 11590086; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 700
687 Beck, JD, Offenbacher, S. Relationship of periodontal disease to carotid artery intima-media wall thickness: the atherosclerosis risk in communities (ARIC) study.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2001-11; 21(11): 1816-22 . PMID: 11701471; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 687
665 Arbes, SJ, Slade, GD. Environmental tobacco smoke and periodontal disease in the United States.. Am J Public Health. 2001-02; 91(2): 253-7 . PMID: 11211634; PMCID: PMC1446532.Pubmed : MS# 665
662 Li, R, Tyroler, HA. Interaction of the glutathione S-transferase genes and cigarette smoking on risk of lower extremity arterial disease: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. Atherosclerosis. 2001-02-15; 154(3): 729-38 . PMID: 11257276; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 662
657 Stevens, J, Tyroler, HA. Sensitivity and specificity of anthropometrics for the prediction of diabetes in a biracial cohort.. Obes Res. 2001-11; 9(11): 696-705 . PMID: 11707536; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 657
649 Folsom, AR, Wu, KK. Beta-fibrinogen gene -455G/A polymorphism and coronary heart disease incidence: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Ann Epidemiol. 2001-04; 11(3): 166-70 . PMID: 11293402; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 649
648 Folsom, AR, Wu, KK. Prospective study of fibrinolytic factors and incident coronary heart disease: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2001-04; 21(4): 611-7 . PMID: 11304480; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 648
637 Diez-Roux, AV, Schulz, R. Area characteristics and individual-level socioeconomic position indicators in three population-based epidemiologic studies.. Ann Epidemiol. 2001-08; 11(6): 395-405 . PMID: 11454499; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 637
626 Williams, JE, Tyroler, HA. Effects of an angry temperament on coronary heart disease risk : The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Am J Epidemiol. 2001-08-1; 154(3): 230-5 . PMID: 11479187; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 626
623 Robinson, JG, Folsom, AR. A Comparison of NCEP and Absolute Risk Stratification Methods for Lipid-Lowering Therapy in Middle-Aged Adults: The ARIC Study. The ARIC Investigators.. Prev Cardiol. 2001-Autumn; 4(4): 148-157 . PMID: 11832671; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 623
604 Shachter, NS, Shachter, NS. Apolipoproteins C-I and C-III as important modulators of lipoprotein metabolism.. Curr Opin Lipidol. 2001-06; 12(3): 297-304 . PMID: 11353333; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 604
599 Rasmussen, ML, Eckfeldt, JH. A prospective study of coronary heart disease and the hemochromatosis gene (HFE) C282Y mutation: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.. Atherosclerosis. 2001-02-15; 154(3): 739-46 . PMID: 11257277; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 599
575 Tsai, AW, Jones, DW. Ankle-brachial index and 7-year ischemic stroke incidence: the ARIC study.. Stroke. 2001-08; 32(8): 1721-4 . PMID: 11486096; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 575
553 Wong, TY, Sharrett, AR. Retinal microvascular abnormalities and incident stroke: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Lancet. 2001-10-6; 358(9288): 1134-40 . PMID: 11597667; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 553
511 Schmitz, KH, Folsom, AR. Arterial distensibility and physical activity in the ARIC study.. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2001-12; 33(12): 2065-71 . PMID: 11740300; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 511
474 Kao, WH, Brancati, FL. Alcohol consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus: atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Am J Epidemiol. 2001-10-15; 154(8): 748-57 . PMID: 11590088; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 474
451 Fuchs, FD, Heiss, G. Alcohol consumption and the incidence of hypertension: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study.. Hypertension. 2001-05; 37(5): 1242-50 . PMID: 11358935; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 451
435 Knuiman, MW, Wu, KK. Association of hemostatic variables with MRI-detected cerebral abnormalities: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.. Neuroepidemiology. 2001-05; 20(2): 96-104 . PMID: 11359076; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 435
419 Sharrett, AR, Patsch, W. Metabolic and lifestyle determinants of postprandial lipemia differ from those of fasting triglycerides: The Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities (ARIC) study.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2001-02; 21(2): 275-81 . PMID: 11156865; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 419
409 Eigenbrodt, ML, Szklo, M. Alcohol consumption with age: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study of the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study, 1987-1995.. Am J Epidemiol. 2001-06-1; 153(11): 1102-11 . PMID: 11390330; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 409
392 Stevens, J, Cai, J. Changes in body mass index prior to baseline among participants who are ill or who die during the early years of follow-up.. Am J Epidemiol. 2001-05-15; 153(10): 946-53 . PMID: 11384950; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 392
268 Perova, NV, Tyroler, HA. Multi-country comparison of plasma lipid relationship to years of schooling in men and women.. Int J Epidemiol. 2001-04; 30(2): 371-9 . PMID: 11369745; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 268
189 Simpson, RJ, Heiss, G. Association of ventricular premature complexes with electrocardiographic-estimated left ventricular mass in a population of African-American and white men and women (The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities.. Am J Cardiol. 2001-01-1; 87(1): 49-53 . PMID: 11137833; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 189
111 Coady, SA, Conwill, DE. Validation of death certificate diagnosis for coronary heart disease: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.. J Clin Epidemiol. 2001-01; 54(1): 40-50 . PMID: 11165467; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 111
0543B. Salomaa, V, Wu, KK. Cross-sectional association of soluble thrombomodulin with mild peripheral artery disease; the ARIC study. Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities.. Atherosclerosis. 2001-08; 157(2): 309-14 . PMID: 11472730; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0543B.
0520S. Shahar, E, Samet, JM. Sleep-disordered breathing and cardiovascular disease: cross-sectional results of the Sleep Heart Health Study.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2001-01; 163(1): 19-25 . PMID: 11208620; PMCID: .Pubmed : MS# 0520S.